Advanced Systems texts


No good millennial
Wondering if anyone has recommendations on texts for advanced systems.
I know that Advanced Aircraft Systems by David Lombardo is a solid read but wondering if there is anything else worth checking out.

Thanks in advance
Thanks. Working towards becoming a CFI and I feel like the PHAK leaves much to be desired on advanced topics.
Thanks. Working towards becoming a CFI and I feel like the PHAK leaves much to be desired on advanced topics.

You won’t need to know much about turbines and turbine systems on your practical, same for teaching primary and even commercial students, so the PHAK will get you through, don’t fret over it’s lack of specific info just to pass an oral.
Extraneous blocks of instruction are expensive frills, especially in flight instruction, and detract from, rather than assist in, the completion of the final objective.


Your Aviation Instructor Handbook
The FAA publishes Airframe & Powerplant handbooks (2 Volumes each, 4 Total). The PDFs are free so it's worth the price. I've found that some other system books are derivatives of the FAA books.