A little late to the party, but congrats to another 747 Line Check Airman!

Man, if you didn’t tag me I was going to make this thread about you too. 😂

Appreciate it! Hopefully we can meet again soon for sub par fast food (in-n-out is overrated). I’m sure we will have more stories to swap.
Man, if you didn’t tag me I was going to make this thread about you too. 😂

Appreciate it! Hopefully we can meet again soon for sub par fast food (in-n-out is overrated). I’m sure we will have more stories to swap.
You should’ve just outed me in the other thread. It would’ve made it harder for me to turn it around on you. ;)
Wow, that is pretty awesome Emu! One day you will be at an old guy gathering, and they will ask anyone standing who is not a 747 check air man to sit down. And most will, but you won't. And the other people standing will be like 100 years old. Really cool achievement!
Congrats! I’ve never met the Emu in real life, but had a phone call with him once about the career.

@Screaming_Emu If you teach flying airplanes like you give life/career advice, your future trainees are in great hands.
He’s a jerk in real life. Don’t meet your heroes or something like that.

:bounce: :bounce:
Just kidding, I’m glad to call him a friend. He’s a great human being and Air Beach Ball should be proud to have him.
They already have your pics hanging in the training center…😜

I kid…I kid! Congrats to both of you..Well done!

One of my favorite SAI stories was when one of the senior Captains get pretty sick while out on the road on one of the 18 day rotations where we basically had a 747 and a couple of crews and were literally just sent out to complete random missions... everyone took him to the hospital (ER) - he got taken back behind the curtain in the ward and put in a bed while the rest of the crew was filling out the paperwork for him and talking to the Doc about him. Blah, Blah, Blah... going through all the vitals, Name... birthday... height... weight... symptoms... occupation... "Pilot."


From behind the curtain.

A weak voice screamed.


"Line. Check. Airman."

Congrats to both.