5 inches on the ground and still snowing

Do they even have deicing equipment? Or even a snowplow?
I grew up in BTR and have flown out of / planned flights going out of BTR/MSY,LFT, and SHV. and the answer is not in a million years. LADOTD doesn’t even have plows or salt/ mag chloride to treat the roads.

When I was still at a regional, one time we had a plane sit overnight in SHV that picked up a nice layer of frost. SHV’s operational answer to this? Delay the flight until after sunrise so the sun can melt the ice. Keep in mind that SHV has a milder climate that more-so resembles DFW than it does MSY. So it’s not like they hadn’t had that issue before.

As for MSY? Idk maybe they could weld a plow onto an airboat and send it. Louisiana hasn’t seen frozen accumulation of that level since the 1890’s. I can confidently say that it appears that hell has indeed frozen over.