300/350/1900 Type Rating

Pilot Fighter

Well-Known Member
I’ve racked up 500 PIC hours flying 350ER in the Middle East. With diplomatic work, flew under a letter of authorization. Now I want a type rating for 300/350/1900. Not paying out of pocket, what’s the best (easiest) school house for this type in the US?
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It has been 10 years but I got my type in the BE300 at FSI ATL in the PL21 350. It was the worst FSI experience I have ever had, constant scheduling snafus like showing up at 5am for the sim and no instructor. I did recurrent there and ICT and it was much better so I might have just been a one off deal back then but if I hit the lotto and got a burning desire to buy a King Air I'd probably go to Wichita.

Take all of that with a grain of salt since my last training event in the thing was back in '16. I flew it for 2 and a half years and only have 98 hours in it so you racked up way more time than me, pretty cool you got to do it without a type.
I thought that was the case but then I see most of the schools still using “300/350/1900” in their marketing materials.

Interested in the BE-300 which covers 300 and 350.
There’s minor differences from the 300 to the 350. I used to instruct at CAE DFW in the king air. You’ll have lots of variance from program to program and instructor to instructor. Big box training is just checking boxes these days. Don’t expect to be wowed at all. You’ll fly the same 5-6 approaches over and over again. It will be a piece of cake for someone with 500 hours in type.
Is counseling for sim-phobia reportable?
Worth enquiring?

I’ll check them out. They appear small and flexible.

Their website is confusing. They indicate that they don’t do initial for 300. On the same page, they describe piston to 300 transition. Wouldn’t that be a 300 initial?
I’ll check them out. They appear small and flexible.

Their website is confusing. They indicate that they don’t do initial for 300. On the same page, they describe piston to 300 transition. Wouldn’t that be a 300 initial?
since they lump it in with all other KA models im assuming just a time in type thing? wonder if their sim doesn’t allow for type rides
since they lump it in with all other KA models im assuming just a time in type thing? wonder if their sim doesn’t allow for type rides

If it doesn’t result in a rating, is it really a transition? I’m going to ask them tomorrow.

Maybe it’s a “turbine experience” thing or a prep class that focuses on turbine aircraft systems prior to an initial class.
A call to the FSDO is probably a good start. There maybe a way to get the rating in a similar fashion to the mil-comp, 14 CFR 61.75, especially if your company’s training was done by an accredited program equivalent to a 142 school.
A call to the FSDO is probably a good start. There maybe a way to get the rating in a similar fashion to the mil-comp, 14 CFR 61.75, especially if your company’s training was done by an accredited program equivalent to a 142 school.


In the world of Middle East diplomatic, government, national carrier, and government contract work there’s a lot of flying going on without medicals, accredited training, or type-ratings. It’s a circus.

In the world of Middle East diplomatic, government, national carrier, and government contract work there’s a lot of flying going on without medicals, accredited training, or type-ratings. It’s a circus.

Oh, I’ve flown with some of those characters.

“When are you planning on slowing to 250KIAS for 10,000’ ?”

[Puzzled facial expression]

“Why do I have to do that? It was free speed in the sand box.”

More like إن شاء الله .

There was a time when Saudia had about a dozen American and Irish guys flying domestically that had lost their medicals back home after getting DUI’s.

In my little world, there would be RSAF guys that would jump in anything. Good VFR pilots without any type knowledge.

More commonly, you’d see KA guys transitioning to bigger KA’s without getting a rating. I fell in this category.

I’ve flown JS as a safety guy in planes I had no seat time in just to keep them from doing something dumb or to handle comms.

No NTSB in KSA. I can think of a dozen accidents that never made the news. Even funnier, Saudis sometimes re-use the same registration number on a replacement plane to avoid embarrassment.

Things have gotten better for a number of reasons including more and more RSAF pilots having non-Saudi mothers that brought a work ethic with them from their native country. For Saudi princes, being a fighter pilot isn’t a big deal anymore. Plus, big decline in ISR and other govt contracts.
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