2/11 Terminal

I do, glad to see this thread is finally started. Where are you headed to when your done, have you figured out where your staying
I will be starting just a couple days earlier on the 9th, terminal also. I'm staying at corporate housing solutions in Yukon.
I'm scheduled for 2/11. I will be going to Dayton, OH. I had to retake my drug test since the one at the PEPC will expire. It has been 3 weeks and I am still waiting for the results to get to my HR rep.
I just had to retake mine on Friday. They told me it would take 5-7 business days. I hope it doesn't take three weeks for them to get there. I emailed my HR rep in Dec about my results since I knew they would expire before I got to OKC. I never heard back until Wed when she told me they expired in 2 days & that she had to have the new results before I started the academy:banghead:.