
  1. A

    Delta OAL Dispatcher Jumpseat Exclusion

    Hello, Has Delta implemented a policy not allowing any offline dispatchers to list for the jumpseat with them? It’s been hard getting a straight answer at my shop (121 supplemental cargo) about this, but our jumpseat committee chairman has heard something to this end and is digging deeper into...
  2. Bandit_Driver


    Just got an email from the company saying that if you are jumpseating and not sitting on an actual jumpseat there is no need to talk to a captain and create a cockpit interruption. I, of course, personally disagree with this flies in the face of everything I have been taught in my career about...
  3. Burrito

    Another Dispatcher's Listing Thread

    Hello friends. I know there's so many ways of doing this, but I'm tired of playing the "just list on company" game and fighting after the damned flights start canceling for stupid reasons. Recently I was told over the phone with a certain luvable airline "they no longer list dispatchers from...