2 aircraft down in Marana AZ

Some of our guys reporting both were doing a go around on 12 with the Lancair eating up space behind the 172 in the pattern
AOPA is hyperventilating about some high traffic airports in Florida using ADSB to charge landing fees.

Conflicted on this, but that is one solution.
The airport manager when I was there was a great guy who was well aware of the issues and working hard to try to get a contract tower. I heard that he got fired under odd circumstances. And here we are.
The airport manager when I was there was a great guy who was well aware of the issues and working hard to try to get a contract tower. I heard that he got fired under odd circumstances. And here we are.

Ah, “airport politics”.

I was looking to make some extra scratch, and I went into the local airport office to see if they needed someone to mow the grass.

The Hutt manning the desk tells me “Boy, don’t you know that’s a county job? You have to be juiced in to get one of those”.
The airport manager when I was there was a great guy who was well aware of the issues and working hard to try to get a contract tower. I heard that he got fired under odd circumstances. And here we are.

Let me sing you the song of my people.

Great airport managers get undone by corrupt boards. Great airport boards get railroaded by corrupt airport managers. The only management situations that seem to work is when they're both corrupt.
Let me sing you the song of my people.

Great airport managers get undone by corrupt boards. Great airport boards get railroaded by corrupt airport managers. The only management situations that seem to work is when they're both corrupt.
Related, my fair city is getting a new airline terminal. They sold it as “we don’t have enough gates and are missing out on flights.” They then held a vote on a bond issue with the pitch of “we’re doing this no matter how you vote, but if you vote yes we can use the city’s better credit rating and get lower interest rates.”

The shiny “new terminal?” It’s only pre-security and connects to the old gates. They’re probably already planning the sales pitch for more gates.

This is the same airport authority that extended one runway by 1,000’ to be able to rebuild the intersection between the two runways. When the work was done they demolished the extension. Extending said runway is in the master plan.

They seem to have no problem retaining board members or executives. So yes. I agree fully with your lament.
There have been a few proposals for a tower at AVQ, but they’ve never passed. Look at RYN. Slow airport that not much really go on, and it’s had the opposite problem……has a tower that it really doesn’t need, at all. And it can’t get closed.

I thought it did pass but Covid derailed the whole project. May have saw that wrong though

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I was at Westwind circa 2001 when Pan Am Academy was across the parking lot (later became Transpac) and even then the Northwest practice area was pretty congested. I can only imagine how bad it is now with 5-6 more flight schools in the area

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We did VFR pattern work out in that general area in a PC-12 back in the day. It was *extremely* hinky then (in a PC-12, which, in spite of being turbine-powered, slots in a lot better with 172s than an O-360-powered-missile). Hard to imagine it's gotten any better in the intervening ~15 years.
The way back file!

I rememver walking into Pan Am after they gave a user bad advice about something and had a great time.

Sometimes I miss my "Clark Howard" days of judging flight schools.
I've come to.... inspect your binders
The way back file!

I rememver walking into Pan Am after they gave a user bad advice about something and had a great time.

Sometimes I miss my "Clark Howard" days of judging flight schools.

Place I worked at back in the day did something like that. They'd send a CFI out in a 152 to places to get the skinny on what they were selling.

FWIW, Bolivar was a big deal right about then, if you need to set your Voyagers Omni time gizmo.