Holy crap that sounds horrible.If you're looking to go to dispatch from this job stay clear it's becoming a dead end. After the previous manager left the relationship between this department and dispatch is dead. Last hiring 8 applied and all 8 were denied with half having former shop experience.
What does the pay scale look like for this?
are you mr i know everything? or are you just shooting from the hip?Starting pay is around 34/hr and 7 years top out around 47/hr.
FPS was originally going to have a much different role in flightkeys. It now has a very high workload and understaffed for what flightkeys is currently requiring it to do.
I would encourage those looking at this position to consider that you will be doing ETOPS and international flight planning but wont have the legal responsibility or salary as a dispatcher. A benefit to the job would be the ability to put ETOPS planning experience on a resume but the downside would be that another major might also want to see experience exercising the certificate.
FPS is in the same union as the dispatchers. However, the hiring managers are not the same. PAFCA dispatchers are not part of the selection process like we are for dispatch job postings. A flow through would make sense and be fair given the union dues they pay and the close work they do with dispatchers but would also potentially allow those with unique personalities and dispatch abilities the opportunity to come into dispatch without being vetted by a dispatcher.
are you mr i know everything? or are you just shooting from the hip?
You talking about the new one or the one accused of embezzling pafca money?Ugh, PAFCA? That new presidente is a super duper A in the Hole in one. 50% of dispathcers hate his guts because he is so slimey and narcissistic
Opps...did I say too much? I mean he did only get 50.5% of the vote. And that's just those that voted. Most of us stayed home. It was one of those "hold your nose and vote" situations. Again. But maybe since poor old FPS is stuffed over in the corner is not such a bad thing after all.
Good luck to all who apply.
He is the second coming of (Dispatch) Jesusare you mr i know everything? or are you just shooting from the hip?
Affirm.Did you get the "moving forward" email form AA?
So……..let’s revive this.
A TBNT for the AA Dispatch gig, but moving forward with this. Should I still stay clear from this position?