Sub-$30k taildragger/floatplane?


Ancora imparo
Hi y'all, I'm looking for a taildragger with enough power that I can put floats on it too, preferably for under $30k if possible.
Right now I'm looking at a C-140 with a O-290-D2 in it but I'm not really familiar with the 140. I've also heard parts are hard to find for the O-290 engine, but I don't know. If anybody out there knows anything about this airframe/engine configuration that would drop me some pearls of wisdom, I'd sure appreciate it.
Also, any other suggestions that might work if this one doesn't pan out are welcome.
Your choices in that bracket are:
1: Pacer
2: wrong choice.

Taylorcraft. Plenty of people fly em on 65-85hp in AK and they perform very well at slow speeds.

You can't beat a Pacer for the price/utility you get, but I don't think they feel very nice to fly. I wouldn't buy one.

Not incredibly familiar with the performance between the Cessna 120/140, but I've heard you will get better performance with a 120 with the fabric wing than a heavier 140.
Second on the Taylorcraft. Also, I’ve heard O-290s are really hard to find parts for. Pacers are great planes, I’m actually in the market for one. But their wings are a bit short for float ops, however there is an outfit in Talkeetna that does float ratings in them.
Hi y'all, I'm looking for a taildragger with enough power that I can put floats on it too, preferably for under $30k if possible.
Right now I'm looking at a C-140 with a O-290-D2 in it but I'm not really familiar with the 140. I've also heard parts are hard to find for the O-290 engine, but I don't know. If anybody out there knows anything about this airframe/engine configuration that would drop me some pearls of wisdom, I'd sure appreciate it.
Also, any other suggestions that might work if this one doesn't pan out are welcome.
Where do you want to keep it? I'm looking for something to start teaching the oldest how to fly. You put it up here in my town and I'll pay the hangar fee, if you let me use it for price of gas...I'll throw in all the flight reviews and ipc's you can handle and I'll help you turn any wrenches that need turning too.
Here is my vote for cool airplane you could put on floats for less than $30k. Stinson 108, you could even find one with a Lycoming STCed if you don't want to deal with a Franklin engine.., Stinson Classifieds.htm
Hi y'all, I'm looking for a taildragger with enough power that I can put floats on it too, preferably for under $30k if possible.
Right now I'm looking at a C-140 with a O-290-D2 in it but I'm not really familiar with the 140. I've also heard parts are hard to find for the O-290 engine, but I don't know. If anybody out there knows anything about this airframe/engine configuration that would drop me some pearls of wisdom, I'd sure appreciate it.
Also, any other suggestions that might work if this one doesn't pan out are welcome.
That's hilarious, saw the post and thought you were my buddy with a similar nickname to your screen name! So, unless you live near northern VA, you can disregard my previous offer. :)
My suggestion on the Stinson still stands though...
I once owned an Aeronca Chief with a Lyc 115hp conversion. It was stock an O-200. It was a pretty good seaplane. EDO-1400's. You can put Champs of the same vintage on floats. You better have a darn good place to park it, though. It's like an expensive kite sitting on the water all day.
I have to say t cart as well. C90 with no electrics for lightest weight.

The pacer is good if you live we're takeoff run is almost irrelevant... which is almost everywhere.
I actually started out looking for a F-19 Taylorcraft, but the fields were barren. The 140 looks nice and is probably a great opportunity, but mama bear said we need to buy a house on a lake first. As an alternative, I've tried finding someone on a lake that would let me park it at their dock, but nobody is interested.
Kinda giving up on it for now. I could land it in the grass, no problem, but takeoff would be a real challenge! It's just not the right time apparently.
My Bearhawk might end up being my first floatplane, and I haven't even started work on it.
Did you paint it or new fabric?
I forget are you tied down at Hood or Merril? Or do you keep it out west?
Two different planes. The yellow one was my old 65hp Bc12D, the blue and white one is a “newer” F-19 (but it really needs a paint job). It’s tied down in Anchorage on a private strip, but I’m hoping to be spending a fair amount of time out west this summer.
Two different planes. The yellow one was my old 65hp Bc12D, the blue and white one is a “newer” F-19 (but it really needs a paint job). It’s tied down in Anchorage on a private strip, but I’m hoping to be spending a fair amount of time out west this summer.
You know Oratex has STCs now. Probably drop 15lbs.