Applying to the "career destination" airlines

It's a question of how it's written. Normal jobs ask if you have been CONVICTED of a crime etc whereas aviation asks have you ever been CHARGED. If it asks if you've been charged, then you must list it whether or not it was expunged. You would put that it was expunged in your explanation.
Indeed, thank you.
What about the requirement to finish college in 4 years? Is that an automatic disqualifier? It took me 6 years due to financial issues, but I graduated with honors. about taking 5 years with no financial issues and no honors? No one graduates from the U of Hawaii on time.:)
Nope. This isn't his thing. I joined for my own career path, and found the discussions from pilots to be very useful in better understanding him. :) After all, I do want him to be happy and achieve the dream of being at a mainline and leaving the regional life behind.

Avgirl, I commend you for the support you are providing your BF. We should all be so lucky to have someone like you covering our back. I was not so fortunate during my quest and my ex missed a very rewarding career.
Not that I'm applying, but this whole career fair thing has gotten way out of control. I see straight white male applicants trying to go to WAI, OBAP, and NGPA job fairs. That makes a mockery of the whole system.


Are there any fairs for straight white guys that are worth going to? All I ever hear about are the fairs for everyone else. Which ones are we supposed to attend?
What are your challenges and frustrations?

I need some answers relatively swiftly for a project I'm helping someone with and it will be "run up" the food chain fairly quickly.

Should military multi turbine Helo time count at SJI? We report, you decide.
Not that I'm applying, but this whole career fair thing has gotten way out of control. I see straight white male applicants trying to go to WAI, OBAP, and NGPA job fairs. That makes a mockery of the whole system.


I must admit I questioned guys going to the WAI, but they do allow men to be members legitimately, so how is it really a problem? This is such a competitive industry, that you have to get FaceTime where you can, and there is more value of being all-inclusive rather than segregating ourselves. I know the chapter I just joined has male members.
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Avgirl, I commend you for the support you are providing your BF. We should all be so lucky to have someone like you covering our back. I was not so fortunate during my quest and my ex missed a very rewarding career.

Thanks for the compliment. I hope my efforts do help him. Just trying to be the good and supportive GF while trying to understand what that entails with a pilot. :)
You could go to the ones presented by organizations which you actually support, whether or not you belong to their target demographic.

You could go to whichever ones you want and simply attend the job fair, no "front'n" required.

Or you could not go to any, and find other ways to make yourself stand out, or establish a relationship with people in the know. I think all three have made it clear that career fair attendance is not a requirement.

I have been to OBAP, NGPA, and WAI (2X) and have always had a blast, meeting up with friends, making new ones, and finding opportunities to advance myself and OTHERS. I am also active in my local chapter of WAI, which I have found very rewarding. It's no "secret door" nor a shortcut to an opportunity (as evidenced by my situation).

If you wanna go, go. If you don't...
Biggest complaint I've heard is "the jerk around".

It should be like getting a free credit report. They should have a simple form with maybe 10-15 questions on it. Hit submit, and you get a response of "ok, you have a shot", "meh" or "who you kidding?". If they like you, you get sent the long form app.

Saves everyone time and hassle.

Can't tell if you're talking about Delta or my personal life
The page that @GypsyPilot is referring to is:

I hear it's staffed by a handful of recruiters and the manager of pilot development so when you ask a question, you're getting "the" answer or at least they can have an official answer for you within the day.
Neat resource...didn't know it existed. I have to say, though, that some of the replies to the posts there are kind of like a pack of hungry sharks. It's like a nude beach full of dudes, just waiting for the one naked girl to show up.

Not that I'm applying, but this whole career fair thing has gotten way out of control. I see straight white male applicants trying to go to WAI, OBAP, and NGPA job fairs. That makes a mockery of the whole system.

Not to be one of those hipster dudes, but I was involved with WAI before the whole job fair thing became a thing.
I know that this is a sore topic for a lot of pilots, but I really do appreciate you clarifying things, setting the record straight with your experience, and soliciting feedback in the first place. :biggrin:

You're welcome! :)

I wish more would take advantage of the opportunity.
Is it a preference?

Of course!

Who doesn't want a graduate from a top university that graduated in four years?

But not having done that isn't a negative.

Remember there are pluses, neutrals and negatives. The requirement is, and I quote Graduate of a four-year degree program from a college or university accredited by a U.S. DOE recognized accrediting organization. Degree obtained from a non-U.S. institution must be evaluated for equivalency to U.S. degrees by a member organization of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES).