A proud US Citizen

Congratulations, I remember when my parents went through the process. I helped them study for the test almost every night. It's a pretty in depth knowledge test that you are required to take...
Just getting my congrats in Armen. And after meeting you you'll make a fine citizen of this country.
Dangit ANOTHER Iranian becoming a citizen?

They messed up or something!?!?! ;)

Just kidding man! Congratulations. When are we gonna hang out again man, gimme a tour where you work now! Lunch on me!
We are moving to the new FBO now so you should come down for the Open House, we are gonna have it early Jan.

We should all get together soon for another SoCal Get together.
Today at 10:00 AM PST I finally took the Oath and became a proud United States Citizen. I have been anxiously waiting for a long time, now back to training and knocking off those ratings since I don't have to deal with TSA anymore.
Thanks again for all the support, without you wonderful folks I would have ended up to be that miserable doctor that kept wondering why he did not give this amazing world of aviation a try.


Time to celebrate with buying a new sweatshirt:nana2:

Congrats Man!

Good job! It's good to see someone who wants to be here. I am proud to call you a fellow American! Keep up the good and hard work. You earned my respect.

Best Wishes! :rawk:

Safety Engineer
We are moving to the new FBO now so you should come down for the Open House, we are gonna have it early Jan.

We should all get together soon for another SoCal Get together.

Definitely let me know about the open house. Would like to check out the new place.
Definitely let me know about the open house. Would like to check out the new place.

Thanks again everyone for the great words.

Mark the move is in progress and the open house has been postponed to Feb. since we don't have occupancy permission from LA County so for now we are just moving the never ending pilot shop and everything that comes with it til we get settled in for good towards the end of this month.
Congratulations man! I have a lot of respect for someone becoming a naturalized citizen because of all the hoops you have to jump through.