Update: AviationCareerExpo.com & NetworkJC 2010

Well I have from 16-22 off right now for vaca. It looks like there is a posibility to slip it a week right now if needed but the sooner the better before the open slot goes away.
Nice work, Taylors! I won't be taking advantage of the awesome career things you've set up, but you better believe I will be there to tear up Vegas with you!
Yeah, I'm w/ Ed on this one. We bid our vacation dates because that's when we were told the event was being held. Now, it sounds as though that might not be the case; and you're still looking into 'other' possibilities.

I understand you're trying to work out the costs; but when you go throwing wrenches into the mix like this it makes it difficult for those who bid on vacation a year in advance to plan accordingly. With that said, any idea when you're going to have the dates finalized? Sorry for asking; but this is the same thing that happened last year....although the dates held up. Granted, I wasn't able to attend due to extenuating circumstances....but I did purposely bid vacation over NJC'09 dates that were established the year prior.

Also, I'm not trying to sound ungrateful, because I'm not. I realize you both put a ton of work into this event and it's sounds as though this year is taking another big leap forward. However, it is really frustrating when, in Oct., you say 'next year's NJC is going be on......', so we bid those days off. Then months later, you come back and say, no NJC's not necessarily those days, we're still looking into it. :banghead:

Does this make any sense or am I just rambling? I've been going crazy for the past week on top of being sick for the past two weeks......so it's quite possible I'm just losing it. :laff:

Thanks for all you guys do for the JC community! :beer:

What's the plan, you ask?
Please don't change the dates- I have already bid my vacation like many others.

If you do, for the interest of the event, I'll deal.

... but I might show up in Vegas and drink a lot as a result.

Don't test me on that. You know I will.

After I leave, somebody somewhere will knock down a building, too.
snif snif... no invitation snif snif......
yeah like the fact that I have been telling you now for nearly three years that you should come out! (I can't believe how sensitive you can be:D)

You KNOW that I did pass along the invite to you personally from Doug AND Kristie!
Well, if you can get me into contact with the chief pilot, oh... wait... :)

Not only that but their Flight Ops director too... but according to Dale, he is a tool bag.
Just the Director of Flight Ops,:cool: the Chief Pilot is a great guy!

...and besides, that was your Wac(k)o buddy who said that, I merely agreed with your friend...last time I ever do that.