CBD Usage

Look, I’m not saying you’re wrong. I am saying I’ve invested a lot in this career for me to believe some yahoo that bought something off the web and marked it up some is not going to be worth the risk.

You’re free to disagree. I am just trying to answer the original question. I’m not a lawyer or doctor, but Gary Crump who is AOPA’s senior director of medical certification and ALPA both say don’t do it. I’ll trust them over some guy on the internet.

At this point, I’ve agreed that your initial point that THC levels are what trigger a positive hit, and it’s extremely unlikely for CBD oil to cause that amount of THC to be in your bloodstream. However, to say CBD oil has no THC in it is disingenuous, at best. I’m not going to risk my career. I don’t know what else there is to say.
Time was always on my side. 👍🏾💯