Written passed, now how to study?


Well-Known Member
I passed the FIA and AGI writtens this afternoon. I used Sheppard for those and had no problems. Now that the easy part is done, though, what is the current favorite for studying for the actual checkride, if anything is needed beyond the FAA publications?
I passed the FIA and AGI writtens this afternoon. I used Sheppard for those and had no problems. Now that the easy part is done, though, what is the current favorite for studying for the actual checkride, if anything is needed beyond the FAA publications?
Pretty much just record yourself saying “more right rudder” and “well since you didn’t show up prepared it looks like we’re doing ground today” and loop it, then listen to it for 12-14 hours a day.
I’ve only been instructing full-time for a month now....I never knew the phrase “more right rudder” could be said so many times in a row.....
I passed the FIA and AGI writtens this afternoon. I used Sheppard for those and had no problems. Now that the easy part is done, though, what is the current favorite for studying for the actual checkride, if anything is needed beyond the FAA publications?

HAHHAHAHAH. Yeah, may as well have saved your money on Sheppard this time around. Now, have fun reading every Advisory Circular, FAA book, and the FAR/AIM. For 3 CFI rides, I can't remember a question that wasn't covered in FAA publications. But there are a lot of them.
I really like the ASA oral exam prep books. They cover just about every question that could be asked.

King Schools has a CFI prep video where John basically goes through an entire checkride with a DPE. It's a little dated but still pretty good.