Regional airline height limitations


Well-Known Member
I notice some regional airlines have height limitations of 5'10" for F/As because of the type of aircraft they operate. Are those companies flexible within 1-2" for F/As? I'm 6' yet can comfortably walk around most small cabin airliners... Just curious because it would expand the number of places I could apply...
There's been some debate on this forum about whether or not to apply to positions that you are not 100% qualified for whether it be size, experience or whatever characteristic it may be...

I'm not in the aviation business, but I've always been of the opinion that you might as well apply. The worst they can do is say no. You can always say your ruler must have been inaccurate if they challenge you on it. The focus should always be on whether or not you can perform the job duties adequately, not whether or not you fit into their neatly define HR rubric.

Just my $.02.
Whatever you do, DON'T lie on the application. If you do and you get an interview, you're going to look silly and they're not going to be happy. Answering truthfully may cause you to be turned down without them looking any further, but those are the breaks. The height requirement is for safety reasons, as I'm sure you know.
Just keep plugging away, you'll find a good fit sooner or later!
When I was hired at Eagle (Oct 1995), we were measured in the interview, and anyone not meeting the height requirements was sent home. Period. No exceptions. Shoes had to be removed for the measuring.

I interviewed at NWA in Jan 1997, it was where I'd always wanted to work, I'd been waiting for this interview forever, and I wanted that job so bad. The interview was going GREAT, and the interviewer said that since my height was so close [to their 5'2" minimum] it had to be verified. They stuck me up against a wall where a post-it note had been stuck (at the 5'2" mark). Again, shoes had to be removed for the measuring. I was .5" shy of the mark. I was sent home.

The height requirement at the AA interview was a practical test, where we had to reach into a mock overhead bin and remove a fire extinguisher from it's brackets and put it back. I'd been at Eagle for 5 years at the time I interviewed with AA (Sep 2000), and had been teaching new-hires. I could undo a fire extinguisher bracket with my eyes closed. So not only did I wear 3" heels to the interview (I knew they didn't make applicants take off their shoes for this practical test) but I could remove that fire extinguisher no problem without having to be able to see it. ;)

So, generally speaking, if there's a listed height requirement, expect that the company is going to be pretty stringent about it. Apply if you want to, like someone mentioned above do not lie on an application, but expect to have your height verified at some point during the interview process. But don't surprised to get sent home from the interview if the height does not fall within their published requirements.
Express Jet is 5,9 or less with shoes. They go by the info on your drivers license. They dismissed a few folks at the interview for being over.
Thanks for the replies, everyone! :) Guess I'll just focus on the airlines that don't have a height limit. I just sent out application #21 (not just for FA positions) since I've graduated college, so somebody has to respond at some point...
Its brutal out there Scram, I feel your pain. So many folks looking for work, not to mention people with aviation experience who either got laid off or furloughed looking to keep in the industry. Try Compass, RAH and Air Tran. I just got an email from Air Tran letting me know I was not picked to interview. I think I applied their over 6 months ago and believe they are still hiring and put a limit at 6 foot or under.
Hi, Scram.....I just received notification from (please sign up to that website for job opening info!) that both Pinnacle and Compass are hiring.

Oh Sean, you got the thanks, but no thanks email from AirTran as well? I've received 2 in the last couple of months which brings my total of 3 rejection letters from them. Guess I'm just not up to their standards---lol!
Its brutal out there Scram, I feel your pain. So many folks looking for work, not to mention people with aviation experience who either got laid off or furloughed looking to keep in the industry. Try Compass, RAH and Air Tran. I just got an email from Air Tran letting me know I was not picked to interview. I think I applied their over 6 months ago and believe they are still hiring and put a limit at 6 foot or under.
Yeah the reality of a 10% unemployment rate is really starting to sink in for me. :( I had a job locked up from my internship (non airline) but I couldn't start right away due to other commitments, so that sort of took that off the table.

Hi, Scram.....I just received notification from (please sign up to that website for job opening info!) that both Pinnacle and Compass are hiring.
Thanks for the tips, I'll check Pinnacle out. :) I did apply for Compass and was only about a week ago that I applied for Compass, so maybe I'll still hear from them. I flew on Compass a few days ago and I was extremely impressed with how courteous and friendly the flight attendants were and how much they seemed to enjoy their job.
A gate agent I work with was turned down a few months back from our airline for being just over an inch too tall. They're serious about it.
The ERJ is a tight fit. At 5,9 my head nearly touched if I didn't slouch. The CRJ maybe has a half in to spare. An FA over 5,9 on either would have a lot of bumps and bruised on their foreheads.