Choosing schools


Well-Known Member
I am heavily considering to go to a 4 year school for my Bachelors. I've recently graduated with my Associates in Science in Networking. It seems no matter what, I've always wanted to fly as a career. I've spent my entire life around airplanes and I have countless un-logged hours (mostly goofing off with friends when I was younger). A pilot I've known that I have not seen in years that is a captain for US started to convince me to fly for a living.

We talked almost an hour, but he had somewhere to go. He basically tells me to go out and get my licenses and fly.

I would go the puppy mill route since ATP is about a 45 minute drive for me, and I'd rather have a bachelors and possibly slightly less debt than I would get going to ATP.

Two schools I have found so far that have caught my eye were Northwestern Michigan College and Rocky Mountain College. What attracted me to NMC, is not that you only get your rating in two years, but you transfer to another school to finish your Bachelors in Business, and they want you to work for them and fly while you are working on your B.A. But I already have a 2 year, and I do not think I can get the scholarships and Financial Aid to go for a 2nd A.S. or A.A.

With rocky mountain college, what attracted me to their program is some of the scholarships that they are offering plus even though the degree is Aeronautical Science, but with two extra classes, I can get my DX license, so if I do not fly, I can dispatch.

Is there any other schools out there I should check out that won't break the bank too bad?
I'd avoid doing a school that has to deal with the transferring stuff. Seems like extra hassle to get the Bachelor' why pay a University for flight training and then get a degree in Business and not even be eligible for the rATP? Stay away from that if you're going to invest your money into a college for flight training.

Hopefully our PM convo helped for Rocky and some other schools. Never saw this post until now, otherwise I would have commented on here! If you have any other questions about it though feel free to shoot me another message!

Good luck.
I went to Oklahoma State. They give out tons of scholarships if you do decently well on SAT and/or ACT. I got out of state tuition basically paid for. Really good flight program too with pretty decent rental rates. OU might be worth looking into also. Living expenses in Oklahoma is pretty low compared to other places. The weather is also always changing so it's a good flight training environment.
I went to Oklahoma State. They give out tons of scholarships if you do decently well on SAT and/or ACT. I got out of state tuition basically paid for. Really good flight program too with pretty decent rental rates. OU might be worth looking into also. Living expenses in Oklahoma is pretty low compared to other places. The weather is also always changing so it's a good flight training environment.

Talked to a few guys who graduated last year and heard limited planes and mx wasnt the greatest. Most also dont end up doing the CFI/II there. Most head down to dallas American Flyers to finish up.
Talked to a few guys who graduated last year and heard limited planes and mx wasnt the greatest. Most also dont end up doing the CFI/II there. Most head down to dallas American Flyers to finish up.
Yep. Just got a kid in my class from OKSU. Said exactly that. I guess their 182 isn't very good for maintenance and they only have 1? Also, said the instructors can only work 28 hours a week (due to new rules for part time employees thanks to our Pres) or else they have to offer benefits, so sometimes there will be a plane and CFI ready but the CFI can't work anymore. Not sure if they fixed that but he said he dealt with it last semester.

Just passing on the info I have. I don't know anything else about OKSU.
Hey proxima,
As one of my friends is taking training from one training center near San Diego CA named "Charter College Aviation", I would like to suggest this center. And on follow up my studies they have campus placements also, so you'll be sure of landing a job.