Bags in Overhead Bins


Well-Known Member
I've run into this a few times while commuting. I'll usually board towards the end of the crowd and after checking-in up front I'll make my way towards the back where there are usually seats open.

Especially on an almost full flight overhead bin space can be hard to come by, I'm not going to need anything from my overnight bag so I usually find the first available parking spot for my bag and toss it in. Is this ok even if its far from the row I'll be sitting? It also stops me from bumping people accidentally in the isle with my bag, as well as getting to the back and realizing all the bins are full in that area.
I always ask the lead (of "A", or whatever the airline you're riding calls them) if it's OK if I grab any bin, unless the seats under it are open.

Usually that's fine, and they seem to like being asked for whatever reason.
As a passenger, I cant stand it when I get to my assigned seat and the overhead is full especially if no one is sitting there yet. Half the times people will put a bag sideways when most carry-ons fit straight in. Fewer times people put bags, purses, and other crap that will fit under the seat, in the overhead. :banghead:

I've gotten to the point that I'll remove a bag if mine cant fit, assuming it does not belong to anyone in my row. If people board when their group number is called and they place there bag where they sit, we'd probably leave the gate a little faster.

People need to stop being lazy and selfish!!

Sorry for the rant, thats just a pet peeve.

Now if the seats are already taken and bins are open then by all means go for it.:D
i normally (as a former nonrev and as a passenger) would get to my seat first and see if there are any open overhead space. if full, i would wait until the isle are just about cleared and try to find the first open spot i can with the help of an fa. and whether nonreving or confirmed, if a bag can fit under the seat or someone wanna utilized space unnecessarily, i politely ask them to think of the other (insert number hear) passengers trying to get to (insert destination here) on time as well. sarcasm works wonders.....