Wx Minimums 121


If a flight is over it’s destination and diverts to its destination alternate, what Wx minimums apply?



APCH plate minimums.

Very basic question but I need clarification please!

Also can someone please explain the 300-1 rule!
A good way to look at it is if you planned a precautionary alternate originally (C055 still must be applied whether precautionary or not) and then decided to remove said alternate to allow for more holding fuel but then decide to change your destination to that originally planned alternate, then the same goes.. plate mins.
The 600-2 (precision) and 800-2 (non-precision) are the standard ceiling and visibility requirements in order to *list* an airport as an alternate. Once your nose is pointed at the alternate it has become your new destination therefore approach plate minimums apply.

The 300-1 rule is regarding a high minimum captain heading to an alternate.

For a high minimum captain at regular, refueling, and provisional airports the approach plate minimums are to be increased by 100 - 1/2. For an *alternate* airport with a high minimum captain, you can use approach plate minimums but in no event can they be less than 300-1. If the approach plate minimums at the alternate are below 300-1 then you increase them to 300-1 to adjust for your high minimum captain. 121.652(a)
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