World Series of Poker, Livestreaming and me...


Well-Known Member
A few of you know I dabble in poker on the side.

Again I'll be at the WSOP this year and if you're in Vegas, would love to meet up. I know I'm already locked in to May 25-31st. And there are going to be some other summer trips depending on the schedule and when the Main Even comes around (and my work schedule). I play a lot of cash games too.

This coming week is going to be a milestone week, where I'm part of a live stream game (that's actually going to be pre-recorded - you figure that out) and will post on Thursday 3/13. I think they're delaying the stream until 5pm that night so the participants can be part of the chat room. Funny thing is that I finish my 777PC about an hour before that, so it's going to be tight. But I'll post a link on my channel 777Poker

If you're interested in seeing what it's all about, the latest video was put out about 2 weeks ago - Vlog 19

Hope you take a peek, because you know...internet famous and all....