will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilots

Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

Sure. AvWEB columnist John Deakin flew for JAL, IIRC.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

i cant find any info on what the mins might be or how to even apply to jal are. any info?
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

The guy I used to fly the King Air with was a JAL pilot. He was a Capt with Eastern until they closed their doors and a bunch of them went to JAL as Capt on the A300. I haven't asked him too much about it but I do know to fly anything other than a N registered aircraft you must have that countries respective pilot license. I am not sure how he aquired his but I will look into it.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

I used to fly with a captain who always liked to say, "I would apply to JAL, but my wife won't let me since I have a thing for Japanese women!" He was a fun guy to fly with, plenty of humorous trips were had :)
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

An AWAC CA left for JAL a year or so ago. He wasn't Japanese either.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

Pretty much the whole Asian air transport system is dependent of foreign pilots, especially captains.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

Riot shields -

Another thing to think about. All last month I flew with a captain who met a pilot who flies for NCA, Nippon Cargo Airlines. That guy lived in IND and they have two bases for pilots in the US, JFK and LAX. If living here and flying for them would be something you are interested in, then this type of thing does exist (just like how Cathay Pacific has bases in North America). The pay is pretty good and they company seems to treat the pilots quite well. My captain was in the process of applying to NCA.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

A TWA classmate of Bill's who stayed at TWA and ended up AAssimilated and later furloughed by AA is now flying for JALways. They supply crews to JAL. He's F/O on the 747. Not sure if he's on the -400 or which model, but he does all trans-Pac stuff. He lives in PDX and last we heard was based in HNL. He's pretty happy there, although he does say that the Japanese fly very strictly by-the-book. He also said he will go back to AA when they call.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

i got some good info from this post, thanks.
yea, i just got back from tokyo, and i thought it was amazing. i dont know what i want to do with my airline career, im currently flying embraers so i think ive got a while to go anyway, but i was just thinking of ideas. i saw that jal had a posting for fo's who were type rated in any jet, but based in hnl. and sounds like a lot of people are being based in other cities other than tokyo, which i'd like to spend time in tokyo though!
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

PARC Aviation
Hawaiian Aviation Contract Services

These are three of the other contract agencies that supply pilots to Japanese airlines. The founders of WASINC are controversial in that they underbid previous providers. If you are a U.S. citizen looking to live in Japan it would be better to pick a foreign agent, which makes PARC the better choice.

Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

I haven't asked him too much about it but I do know to fly anything other than a N registered aircraft you must have that countries respective pilot license. I am not sure how he aquired his but I will look into it.
Not to split hairs, but sometimes you can get a "validation" of your FAA certificates, without needing a "conversion". Usually this is stated by the vacancy announcement of the crew leasing company or the airline.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

PARC Aviation
Hawaiian Aviation Contract Services

These are three of the other contract agencies that supply pilots to Japanese airlines. The founders of WASINC are controversial in that they underbid previous providers. If you are a U.S. citizen looking to live in Japan it would be better to pick a foreign agent, which makes PARC the better choice.



I used to work for Nippon Cargo Airlines & we had contracts with PARC aviation & Norstress for the Flight Engineers.

Kind of fun, as we had pilots on lease from TWA & through PARC aviation, we had pilots from Air Canada, BA, South African Airways (white boys), & Aerolingus. The Flight Engineers were EXPATS from all over....

My buddy still works for NCA, so, I can get the latest scoop.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

i was just wondering if any Japanese airlines hire American pilots
Why wouldn't they? I knew someone that came into The Pilot Shop and said he got hired by Qatar Airlines as a 737 Captain right off the bat.
Re: will japan airlines or any other from japan hire us pilo

the only americans they wont hire are the ones that are the prop drivers. All those jet cargo jobs require jet time and a jet pic type rating. THe only thing in Japan for the t-prop guys is more t-prop flying.