Will Dispatch For Food Website


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I have been asked to reconstitute the "Will Dispatch For Food" website. Therefore, I am creating a new WDFF website here on my server at home, at http://dsnow.homeip.net/mediawiki/in...ispatchForFood

The difference with this one is that it will be in Mediawiki format, which is the software used for the Wikipedia websites. Through archive.org, I have most of the old pages which, through the weekend, I will be reposting into the Wiki format.

Note that some of this data will be somewhat dated, since for the next few years I am going to be out of the industry playing Mr Mom, I am depending on you, the active dispatchers, to keep my information current.

Since it is in Wiki format (I am calling it the WDFFWiki), anyone who is familiar with Wiki formats can create and edit data, including anonymously. However, if you edit data from work anonymously, your IP address will be logged. You can also create a log in account. If you desire complete anonymity, just drop me an email (the address is on the first page), and I will be happy to create the information.

Just wanted to say thank you. I have heard quite a bit about the old website, but was not in the dispatch profession before the site was disbanded. Looking forward to checking it out.