Why are pilots overweight?


New Member
I was looking at a photo gallery of airline pilots and I noticed many of them seem overweight. Even at the airport I have seen overweight pilots. I am wondering what makes them so overweight? Is it life style or is it because they fly many hours in the sky and because of altitude pressures?
perhaps it is the result of having a seditary profession. sit you your butt 12 hrs a day or so, vs being a roofer....for example.

I have to make a point of hitting the gym or I pork up even more... Difficult when you have a 5am show time to work out for 45 min and still make the ramp.
Not to mention almost every night your eating at places like Mcdonalds and then spending the night laying around a hotel room.
Do any airlines have a weight limit for pilots? I was on a Delta 767 once, and the FO was HUGE. he must have been like 300 + pounds. I'm not talking about someone a little overweight, but a dangerously obeise(sp) person. Should pilots who are that fat be allowed to fly?
As in any profession, being overweight reflects poorly on your professional appearance. We should all do our best to avoid this condition, and I wouldn't necessarily say that pilots are "more overweight" than the rest of the general american population. Airlines in particular demand specific appearance standards from their pilots, and I'm sure obesity is frowned on when it gets to a certain point. It definitely makes the interview process a lot more difficult if you're overweight-looking. I would imagine most pilots put on a lot of their weight after they got hired.

A lot of Americans are fat, therefore a lot of american pilots are also fat. There is a threshold where a pilot's size will inhibit their ability to do their job (fit in the cockpit seat, fit the seatbelt around their gut, move the yoke full aft without impaling themselves), and at that point perhaps the company should step in to help "rehabilitate" the overweight employee.
Do any airlines have a weight limit for pilots? I was on a Delta 767 once, and the FO was HUGE. he must have been like 300 + pounds. I'm not talking about someone a little overweight, but a dangerously obeise(sp) person. Should pilots who are that fat be allowed to fly?

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Our chief pilot is 350-400 pounds and used to fly for ACA
Do any airlines have a weight limit for pilots? I was on a Delta 767 once, and the FO was HUGE. he must have been like 300 + pounds. I'm not talking about someone a little overweight, but a dangerously obeise(sp) person. Should pilots who are that fat be allowed to fly?

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One thing that you must always consider is that just because a person is HUGE doesn't necessarily mean they are 'dangerously obese'. I, for example, have about a 25% body fat percentage and am indeed overweight. However, my goal is 15% which, because of my bone structure and muscle mass would put me right at 265 pounds. Still a big person, but not obese.
Absolutely right. And its pretty upsetting if you ask me. The general population a whole has lost its perspective of what a healthy body looks like. And PILOTS? Whats the world coming to. Our jobs depend on our bodies.
Our jobs depend on our bodies.

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How so?
Pretty simple Citationkid. If you get fat, and get high blood pressure, WHAMMO!! No more medical, and no more job. If you become a diabetic for some reason.......... No more medical, and no more job. So it is in the best interest of all of us to take care of our bodies. You would think this kind of information is common knowledge, but some pilots out there would lead me to believe otherwise.
I read on some airlines website that the pilot must be able to fit in the company provided uniform. I think the maximum waist size was a 42" waist.
hey now, i'm in my last year of college...and the last 5 of 7 days i've had pizza at some point. see all our happy hours around here say buy a beer and you get free pizza, so thats that i do..... all you can eat pizza, buy one beer for 1.50 give the man a dollar tip then you had a great dinner for 2.50 total. now.... not to mention you can do that everyday of the week because every place in town does it on different nights..... i think its cheaper than going to the grocery store and trying to buy something good too.

ehhh... there's a time and a place to eat and drink as much as you want.... unfortunately my glory years are coming to an end. now I have to start running because i want to eat.
I read on some airlines website that the pilot must be able to fit in the company provided uniform. I think the maximum waist size was a 42" waist.

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I think that's Southwest Right?
Do any airlines have a weight limit for pilots? I was on a Delta 767 once, and the FO was HUGE. he must have been like 300 + pounds. I'm not talking about someone a little overweight, but a dangerously obeise(sp) person. Should pilots who are that fat be allowed to fly?

[/ QUOTE ]Really what you're asking is "should people that fat be allowed to live?"

How do you guys feel about bald pilots? How 'bout bald and fat pilots? Women pilots? How 'bout negro pilots? How 'bout fat negro women pilots?
Do any airlines have a weight limit for pilots? I was on a Delta 767 once, and the FO was HUGE. he must have been like 300 + pounds. I'm not talking about someone a little overweight, but a dangerously obeise(sp) person. Should pilots who are that fat be allowed to fly?

[/ QUOTE ]Really what you're asking is "should people that fat be allowed to live?"

How do you guys feel about bald pilots? How 'bout bald and fat pilots? Women pilots? How 'bout negro pilots? How 'bout fat negro women pilots?

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How did you interpret that from what he said? I didn't get that impression at all.

I worry sometimes about overweight pilots ONLY when it comes to emergency procedures and professional appearance. We have a crew hatch above us which is very small. Heck, even our cockpit door is small. Our windows are small. If they are able to effectively evacuate the aircraft through those exits, then fine. Also, if they can maintain a good appearance in their uniform, then fine. But, if they are at a weight which causes danger to themselves or other crewmembers in an emergency (it may sound like a joke but what if they get 'stuck' in the crew hatch?), and/or look grossly unprofessional in uniform, then it might be time for Atkins.

How do you guys feel about bald pilots? How 'bout bald and fat pilots? Women pilots? How 'bout negro pilots? How 'bout fat negro women pilots?

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I for one am strongly against bald pilots. I don't want to share a cockpit with baldy boo-rah, unless I can rub his head for good luck during an emergency.
Weight Gain 2000. Sweet...


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Phatty, your here. Bout time!! Welcome on board, good to see ya!