Who are your "picks to click" for the DOD's upcoming 2004-2005 BRAC tournament?


Old Skool
Who are your \"picks to click\" for the DOD\'s upcoming 2004-2005 BRAC tournament?

Any favorites?
Re: Who are your \"picks to click\" for the DOD\'s upcoming 2004-2005 BRAC tournament?

BRAC 2005 is coming, and word is, it's supposed to be larger than 1988, 90, 90, and 95 combined. I've been following this pretty closely.

Here's a list by G2mil in which they put forth some "think tank" type reccomendations for 2005s BRAC. These aren't necessarily the bases that will close, but just the speculation of those at G2 garnered from a number of sources. How much their input will be used by DOD is yet to be seen.
