Which Clearance Has Priority?


Well-Known Member
So, here's the scenario:

An aircraft is at 6000 feet, 30 miles from the destination airport. The pilot receives the following clearance:

"Barnburner 455, descend and maintain 2100 feet, report the airport in sight for the visual approach, runway 5".

The pilot acknowledges the clearance, and begins a descent at the aircraft's optimum rate. Passing through 5300 feet, the pilot reports that (s)he has the airport in sight. The approach controller responds with:

"Barnburner 455, cleared visual approach, runway 5".

The pilot thinks about the fact that (s)he's still 26 miles from the airport, and doesn't want to descend to 2100 feet just yet, but (s)he was also told to descend.

So: Does the pilot have to comply with the previously issued descent clearance, or does the approach clearance authorize a pilot's discretion descent?
The approach clearance cancels all previous clearances unless they are restated. This is the same for crossing restrictions and speed restrictions. However, if you know there was a good reason for the previous clearance, a query to the controller might not be a bad idea. "Would you still like me to continue the descent to 2100 now?"