I really disagree with that one. If I had done that, I'd still be waiting to start my private pilot training. I paid lesson by lesson, paycheck to paycheck and I still got my ticket in less than 50 hours.
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If you were paying paycheck to paycheck, I assume that you were flying at least every other week. Im talking about taking long breaks between lessons. Ask anyone the longer it takes you to finish a rating (because of money, sick, etc.). You have to go over the same material, therefore it will cost you more money.
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I had quite a few times when I couldn't fly for more than a week or two. My first logbook entry was 10/12/98 and I took my checkride on 4/1/00. I had a whole lot of stuff going on, was on active duty in the Marine Corps, married, child, trying to solve world peace, etc, etc. Flying every day, every week, or sometimes every month, wasn't always possible.
At one point, I think I didn't fly for like 2 months or more. But I still did it. That was the only way I could do it! Did I have to have 90 hours of instruction to finish? Nope! It all depends on the individual. If you want it, you can have it. If you don't, then somebody else will take it.
What did I do when I couldn't fly? I played Flight Sim...
(No, really, I did - And I still do!!!)