When to spill the beans to your current employer?

I'm not able to give the satisfying short notice of 2 weeks. I had to give them a 6 year notice. :mad:
It depends on the type of job and personal ethics you have. I told my boss back in March that I will probably be leaving this year so he could hire someone to fill my position & be trained on everything that I do. I've been in my company for 2 1/2 years & they have been good to me, so I'm not going to leave them in the ditch by giving them a sh**ty two weeks notice. It's smart to leave your job on good terms, because if by some small chance ATC doesn't work out, you might have the option of going back until you find something better.
I am new at writing in these blogs so I hope this works. I am scheduled to take the AT-SAT 7/18 so I may be asking this a little premature, but do have any knowledge about how hard the FAA Academy is? According to the Patrick Mattson Career Prep book it is pretty difficult to even get through all the training to become fully certified. I have a decent job right now but this opportunity would be better if all works out. Since you are scheduled to go to training soon I thought you would know the details as far as all training goes.
in the TOL it says not to do anything like sell your house or quit your job until you have the FOL. So I am not going to tell them anything until i know for sure i have something to tell.
Honesty, is really the best way to go. However, sometimes you have to bend the rules a little bit to be safe. If you feel your employer may fire you because you are going to take the AT-SAT or go to a PEPC and you can't afford to loose your job, then fake a little cough and hope that the 1 or 2 days that you had to miss won't even matter once you get through the process and begin the Academy.

A respectable employer should see that you are devoted to making your life and career better and encourage you, like many have. We should all be so lucky to have employers like that.

As for quitting before you even receive a TOL...if you can afford to then more power to you but realize that this process is not guaranteed. I can also respect that there are some people that have jobs that just plain suck and don't care if you leave or how. It's all personal preference really. I did tell my employers (all 3 of them) up front about everything and even when they pushed the Academy start date back I am able to stay at work an extra week and a half, which will be super beneficial to the moving expenses. Also, I did confirm with OKC what the likelihood of receiving an FOL was and found out it would arrive next week. That's when I finalized all the arrangements and confirmed with employers that it was all going to happen.

This seems to be the string for 2 cents and that's mine!!!

Good luck to you all!!!