what should I do


Well-Known Member
i'm 30 years old.. making about 65k and investing 10%. I fear that if I leave my current job, I'm going to take a significant pay cut for a period of time. But if I stay, my salary will continue to grow to as much as 120k over the next ten years. But it'll probably stop there. If i want to retire when I'm 65, would it be better to stay with my current employer or take the pay cut to start over with a new company that has higher pay over the long run? or would it basically be a wash? What do you think?
There are so many variables it would be irresponsible of me to even venture an opinion. However, I'll strongly suggest this. If you are married, talk it over with your spouse and ensure whatever you do is what the two of you think is the best thing to do. You're a team. A partnership.

One other thought. Think about "wanting to retire when you're 65." Think in terms of what you would like to do for a living so that you like your job enough to not want to retire at 65.