What is my best option for Flight Instruction?


New Member
Hey everyone,
I am currently looking into becoming a pilot, with the goal of flying for the airlines one day. However, I have to begin from scratch. For the sake of time, I want to start soon, and get through it all fast so I can have my 1250 hours by 2013, just in time for the projected hiring boom. Now, I already have a degree so all I need are my certifications and training. From what I've gathered, that is really only about 4 classes, and according to the flight schools and programs I've called, I could do that in a year if I were to focus completely on it. So, that leads me to my next question. Should I go with a big flight school like Spartan, or a University backed program like that at UVU, or can I just get my certifications from ANY flight school? I have found that several of the flight schools at Honolulu Airport will cost me significantly less than enrolling in a college program. However I wonder if it just might be worth it to go to one of the Fancy flight schools or learn through a College backed program because of the potential connections it would have within the industry. Does that make a difference in the long run or is there no such thing as "an edge over the competition" when everyone is just starting out?
My only advice is to do what is best for you and your finances! But remember, it all leads to the same job!!! So if you go to the big fancy school and it cost you lets say $70,000 and you go to the local FBO and it cost you $25,000 they will both lead you too the same $18,000 year job! I'd find a local school that is a part 141 so that you can save a little bit of money.

I had the same crossroads when I went through my ratings, and I ended up at my local FBO. For me it was a good thing, because it was a little more laid back atmosphere and I could go at my own pace (which meant I rocketed through my ratings). I also, got to take my friends and family up with me while I was training and building hours which is a complete no go at any big school!

As far as not getting a job if you dont go through the big schools, that is a load of crap!! During the last hiring boom, our FBO had guys with 250 hours and a brand new temp multiengine rating getting picked up by all kinds of regionals! So if it comes to it and they need pilots, and you have the time and the ratings, then you WILL GET HIRED!!!!

As far as a hiring boom, dont believe it untill it happens! Nobody knows if/will it will happen. The airlines are all chaning the way they have done bussiness in the past,and anyone telling you they "know" what is happening is trying to sell you something!

Other than that, good luck and have fun!!!!
I would suggest you find a good instructor that you like and fly the cheapest Cessna 150 you can find. The instructor you fly with largely determines the quality of training that you receive.

Most importantly have fun! The world will end before the projected "2013 hiring boom" so enjoy the journey.