What does block mean?


New Member
When i see description of some fighter jets, they will say this is a block 5, or block 23 fighter, what does that mean? I know fighters come in A, or B or C or D models, usually refering to single or two seater, and maybe an upgraded model, but not sure what block means. any help would be great.

I may be able to help a tad with your question....I'll use F-16's as an example. When they talk about "Block" in reference to a F-16 they are basically talking about a specific modification done to the airplane. You can have a basic F-16C (single seat) or F-16D (2 seater) aircraft...then you can have the modifications that have been bought for it. While I was in Korea, we had Block 40's and the other base in Korea had Block 30's I do believe. It has more to do with avionics, electronics, weapon systems...etc. As new systems come out and the AF decides to buy a specific modification package, it will be listed as a new Block. Now sometimes they'll throw a wrench in the deal and you'll see like a Block 32 or Block 42 mod...the difference is the powerplant installed in the aircraft (GE or Pratt & Whitney)...ie, the block 30 and 40 aircraft are powered by GE engines and the block 32 and 42 have Pratt and Whitneys. There is a Block 25 mod in there too that was a different, but there are Block 20 and 50's also.
Some of the numbers you mentioned were Block 5, 10...etc....those were mods that came out for earlier F-16's...A and B models. Similar type of deal.


Take a gander at this link...will help clarify more in case I rambled too much :-)

Pac Man