Well, who is it?


Qbicle seat warmer
He'll have to fess up himself. I could reveal his identity if he does not, though. Then again, considering how much time he spends at work (yet another under-staffed station), he might be kinda busy.
It is I, Joel_MQY.
Yeah, I know, I don't really post much around here. I am usually at work about 65-70 hours a week.

Thanks again BOG for the famous debut!
Now I need an agent.
Don't you hate having to explain to every damn passenger why you have to take their bags? After awhile, if someone was being real insistent, I'd just let 'em try it and see for themselves.
Don't you hate having to explain to every damn passenger why you have to take their bags? After awhile, if someone was being real insistent, I'd just let 'em try it and see for themselves.

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That's the solution right there, friend! I am nice to the customers, but I don't argue. Period. If somebody says "It will fit." I tell them go ahead. My satisfaction is when they bring the bag back to me.
Then I get to say "I work 17 of these planes in a day. I was pretty sure it wasn't going to work for you. Have a nice flight."

You know, I have customers argue with me when I try to tell them to take their laptop in the cabin with them. United doesn't cover electronics. If that computer gets ruined, it's T.S. Yet people still act like I slapped their sister when I ask them. Amazing..... A meaner person would be rough to the case on purpose, but I am not that person.
Good move.

On the laptops thing, several years ago there was a problem where people would bring scrap laptops, gate check them, and then claim that they were ruined days later.
The passenger industry is deplorable, and the passengers are a big problem. I've seen countless Instant Experts argue with ramp agents, gate agents, and flight attendants about it all. The bag thing is a great example: "It fit the last time I rode you guys." Yeah, well, dummy, the last time you were on a mainline aircraft, not an SJ.

Do these people question their doctor? Dentist? Refuse to evacuate when a fire or massive storm is coming because they know better than trained experts?!
He'll have to fess up himself. I could reveal his identity if he does not, though. Then again, considering how much time he spends at work (yet another under-staffed station), he might be kinda busy.

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understaffed station? heh. i guess at DEN OO is adding 16 flights on tuesday. in preparation, they hired 4 people and gave 2 each to ramp and bags. way to go, guys.
Sounds about right. Things look fairly decent for us in Nashville now. We get a little capacity back, and they have hired several former Mesa FA's.
i must admit error when i publish it. we LOST 16 flights yesterday. however, the caveat to that is that when the october schedule change comes around, we get back those 16 PLUS mesa RJs (we already handle mesa crash 8s) PLUS air whiskey RJs and avros. should be something like an additional 50-60 flights a day, if not more. yikes!
Any E170s doing BNA-DEN in the near future?

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Odds are ... no. United and Mesa determined that BNA would be a good location for MX and crew basing for us, so UAL tries to keep as many of the BNA flights assigned to us as possible.
Any E170s doing BNA-DEN in the near future?

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Odds are ... no. United and Mesa determined that BNA would be a good location for MX and crew basing for us, so UAL tries to keep as many of the BNA flights assigned to us as possible.

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Right!.....kinda.... We just started a new flight schedule and we now have a couple more Air Wisconsin Flights. However, that will be jacked back around to the Mesa people with the next schedule. I think. It is all so confusing. On the up side, we do have the SkyWest CRJ700 for one of the afternoon Denver flights! Either way I am out in less then two weeks.
On the up side, we do have the SkyWest CRJ700 for one of the afternoon Denver flights! Either way I am out in less then two weeks.

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We used to run 5 CR7s each day between DEN and BNA. Frontier ran the A319 twice.

Now, United has (for some unknown reason) cut it back severly, and Frontier runs a third flight each day. Frontier is, by the way, always full. Go figure why the Mothership is hurting so bad.
On the up side, we do have the SkyWest CRJ700 for one of the afternoon Denver flights! Either way I am out in less then two weeks.

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We used to run 5 CR7s each day between DEN and BNA. Frontier ran the A319 twice.

Now, United has (for some unknown reason) cut it back severly, and Frontier runs a third flight each day. Frontier is, by the way, always full. Go figure why the Mothership is hurting so bad.

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Ding, Ding, Ding! Frontier is full because we send them our passengers who fell victim to Weight Restrictions. Plus, why take a CRJ200 on a 2.5 hour flight, when you can take the short bus with DirecTV?

United used to have a sweet deal before Frontier came in.