Want to fly... open minded


I'm looking to start a career as a pilot. I live in Texas and have the Hazlewood Act (not GI bill). I also have a PPL (about 80 hours). I don't have a college degree, but I have about 45 hours here and there.

I'm not real sure where to start. I live in Galveston and work in a shipyard (8-5 gig in a cubicle). There's San Jac nearby which has a professional pilot program, but I'm not sure how much the hazlewood act would cover.

I make enough money at my current job to slowly build time.

I'm just not real sure where to go from here.
Hi and welcome to JC! Lot's of good information, and people here! Sounds like you have a good idea in place - pay as you go, and earn them ratings.

You have not mentioned how old you are (although age is not really that important!). You say you are looking to start a career as a pilot - but, what kind of flying are you looking at? Corporate? Regional? Plenty to choose from.

Now, as far as college degree goes - this is a whole different debate. Some people will argue that you need one, while others would say you don't need one. All depends what route you want to take. If you envision yourself flying for a major airline - you probably would need a four year degree at the very least.

Whatever route you choose to go down, good luck to you and do keep us posted on any progress you make! And of course, any questions - feel free to post on here - and someone will chime in!

I'm looking to start a career as a pilot. I live in Texas and have the Hazlewood Act (not GI bill). I also have a PPL (about 80 hours). I don't have a college degree, but I have about 45 hours here and there.

I'm not real sure where to start. I live in Galveston and work in a shipyard (8-5 gig in a cubicle). There's San Jac nearby which has a professional pilot program, but I'm not sure how much the hazlewood act would cover.

I make enough money at my current job to slowly build time.

I'm just not real sure where to go from here.

My advice is to fly for fun, building time flying who you want, when you want, where you want. When you have the needed XC time, get your IR, then keep flying for fun, but in and above the clouds until you have the time for your comm rating. Most of all, do it with as little debt as possible, preferably $0.

Learning to fly is an adventure, it should be enjoyed. If your goal is to fly for hire, you will have your whole career to be on someones schedule, be on your own while you can. The airlines are not going anywhere, there is no rush.

If you are going to go into debt, do so by getting a degree. Do something you have an interest in, outside of aviation. it's your back up plan, but also an increasingly common requirement to be competitive in the aviation world.

If you feel a total immersion in a fast paced learning environment of a pilot program will help you learn better, then go that route, but minimizing debt is still the key.

Have fun!
So about how many hours should I aim in getting before looking for a job?

Really depends on what you are looking to do. Most people after getting their ratings will get their CFI's and instruct. You can also fly pipeline, tow banners, fly jumpers or do survey flying. Each operator in the different areas will have their own requirements, hours desired, additional requirements it's up to them and their insurance company and the regs. Instructing is the easiest way to build hours though.

To fly for the regional airlines, you will need a minumim of 1500 hours and be 23. Again, depends on the hiring environment, if it is an up market and everyone is hiring, odds are high you'll have a few options all hiring at these mins. If it is a down market, your options may be limited to the bottom feeders that other pilots on furlough dont want to work for.

You can also fly freight, again you need a minimum number of hours, I think it is 1300 or 1500 I cant remember with other requirements.

To fly for a major....lots of luck and networking and a good amount of Turbine PIC time. But it's a long road and can take many years if ever before you get on with one.