US-based operators overseas...


Master Blaster
Hey all... I'm not sure if this is the thread for this, but mods feel free to move it if need be. I have been thinking a lot about my career goals lately and I wanted to get some input from some of you old salts who have seen a thing or two in this industry.

I'd really like to work for a 135 company that does mostly overseas operations. Specifically those that contract for the US DoD. I don't mind the deploying etc... Somewhere like Avenge or Evergreen (although I don't think Evergreen is doing so hot right now). What does it take to get hired with one of these companies without any prior military experience? I know I would need a security clearance etc...
Do any of you on here fly for them or know of someone I could talk to about these kind of companies? Thanks in advance for any replies.