UPS Openings March 2022

There is a good reason they want only experienced applicants. But then agian, they dont need to explain themselves to any of us.
I have a good friend who is a hiring manager/talent acquisition-ist and she absolutely cant stand people who do not read and follow the job listing requirments. It's comments like the one above that have caused all this bs automated nonsense wrt applications that can take weeks and weeks to navigate she told me. Is lying on your application or the prescreen questions how you want to be remembered? Really?
Stay in your lane and one day you will have a chance to apply without the added baggage of being persona non grata due to your previous app where you lied. OH....and "good luck"...
There is a good reason they want only experienced applicants. But then agian, they dont need to explain themselves to any of us.
I have a good friend who is a hiring manager/talent acquisition-ist and she absolutely cant stand people who do not read and follow the job listing requirments. It's comments like the one above that have caused all this bs automated nonsense wrt applications that can take weeks and weeks to navigate she told me. Is lying on your application or the prescreen questions how you want to be remembered? Really?
Stay in your lane and one day you will have a chance to apply without the added baggage of being persona non grata due to your previous app where you lied. OH....and "good luck"...
Golly, what are you on about? Who hurt you
There is a good reason they want only experienced applicants. But then agian, they dont need to explain themselves to any of us.
I have a good friend who is a hiring manager/talent acquisition-ist and she absolutely cant stand people who do not read and follow the job listing requirments. It's comments like the one above that have caused all this bs automated nonsense wrt applications that can take weeks and weeks to navigate she told me. Is lying on your application or the prescreen questions how you want to be remembered? Really?
Stay in your lane and one day you will have a chance to apply without the added baggage of being persona non grata due to your previous app where you lied. OH....and "good luck"...

Eh yeah requirements are there, but alot of times hiring managers may be willing to overlook it in lieu of other experience. I can promise you whatever HRIS system an airline is using, the last thing the Manager has time to do is verify all the boxes has a yes and instead goes straight to your CV to see if your an initial fit in their organization.

Many moons ago I dispatched with a guy who was once a 747 freighter Captain with 10 years of international heavy flying. He had became medically unable to keep his 1st class so he became a dispatcher. He was a new dispatcher at our regional outfit, but his knowledge of the trade far exceeded even our best. I’m curious if he applied for such a job w 6 months versus a 4 yr regional dispatcher with all the boxes ticked- if UPS would pass him by for consideration? No way.

Another great example is a major airline in the south (call no name). Until recently, one of the requirement was 5 years supervisory or management experience in flight ops. I can tell you first hand, more than half of the current dispatchers there do not meet that requirement yet……their in their roles. Clearly they bought something to the table to compensate for that. I would hate to think their hiring manager was aloof and couldn’t see that half his department clicked yes but didnt meet the requirement on further examination. Perhaps half the department is persona-non-grata?

So long story short- if someone think they might be a good fit, have their license, and have some experience under their belt, they should throw their hat in the ring and let the recruiter decide if your worth interviewing.
Just curious. How many years of seniority does the juniormost non-midnight lineholder have at UPS?
Just curious. How many years of seniority does the juniormost non-midnight lineholder have at UPS?
4ish for a non midnight shift in this current bid but about 2 in the next half of it. The less than 2 is a weekend line.
I start an evening Domestic line(weekends) from Oct 1st-April 1st. I have been with UPS for 2 years and 3 month..Im counting on Midnight INT for the first half of next years bid and Eve Dom for the 2nd half of the year..i got at least 12-15 more years to be a line holder on Days Domestic and a solid 15-20 to be Day INT !WITH WEEKENDS OFF!. ill be able to get days on either DOM/INT with weekends ON tho sooner prob...It is what it is.