Unintentionally denied PUBNAT app?


Addicted voyeur
Here's the story. Took the ATSAT 4/08. Interview 7/08. Got assigned CLT. Requested transfer to AVL, for s&g. Didn't get that approved, no biggie. We're planning on moving closer to CLT anyhow.

Months go by.

I email my HR contact, and get this in response.

I don't have you in process for facility "CLT". After your request to change facility was denied did you decline consideration for CLT?

I emailed her back saying I was still interested, and did NOT decline.

That was 2 months ago.

Any insight?
Here's the story. Took the ATSAT 4/08. Interview 7/08. Got assigned CLT. Requested transfer to AVL, for s&g. Didn't get that approved, no biggie. We're planning on moving closer to CLT anyhow.

Months go by.

I email my HR contact, and get this in response.

I emailed her back saying I was still interested, and did NOT decline.

That was 2 months ago.

Any insight?

Call them
See if there is someone at CLT that knows if your name is on their list. Should be a support specialist or manager. Better yet, visit the facility and ask in person. Tell them you'd like to show up next pay period and they may be able to email personnel and pull from that direction. We had someone who was on our "list" since last summer, but cut him loose because there was no response from him. Another guy showed up at the facility, said hello and he'd like to be here, and he has a class date in May.
Wow - that happens to other people? I was almost lost in the shuffle. Three days ago 3/31 I followed up with my rep to ask if my FOL was coming soon and the HR rep told me it was sent on 3/18. I guess the rep forgot to hit the send button because they where like, "oh whoops. Get it back to me asap," and the rep sent it then.

The moral of the story is that you need to follow up when you're told that you're moving along in the process:P.

My reps have been amazing, responsive and caring, but mistakes are made.