Problem Unexpected error


Qbicle seat warmer
Every night around 11pm-midnight JC stops working. It gives me a white page and says it has encountered an unexpected error.

Anybody else have issues each night?
Here is what I get. Could be the server restarting. Its not consistent though.
I'll check the logs, but generally I try to run the nightly cron tasks around that time and conduct a pretty huge MYSQLDUMP around that time so I can backup the database.
I'll check the logs, but generally I try to run the nightly cron tasks around that time and conduct a pretty huge MYSQLDUMP around that time so I can backup the database.
Sounds good. I am probably one of the few people up at that time. Well I guess @z987k and I.
I'll check the logs, but generally I try to run the nightly cron tasks around that time and conduct a pretty huge MYSQLDUMP around that time so I can backup the database.
Cycled server and performed PBIT. No defects noted. Ops check good at this time. RTS number [...] issued by [...]

Also, the nightly dump. Not as established a tradition as the morning dump.