UA Charging Obese People for Extra Seat

Good, about time. When you buy a ticket, you are paying for 18.5 inches X 32 inches... if you need 30x32, then you should have to pay for it.
I think it is simple.
In any other business, if customers want one thing they have to buy one thing.
If they need/use two things, they need to buy two things.
but it sounds like a potential lawsuit waiting to happen...

Why? Theres already at least a couple other airlines that do this, SWA being one. I remember seeing an episode of their show, Airline, and this fat lady was crying her eyes out. It was kinda sad but I mean, what do you expect...
there is nothing wrong with this. if you take up two seats, you pay for two.

I fly SWA almost everywhere (mom works for them so its free) and there was this man so fat he couldn't even walk, and he was bitching because he had to pay for two seats cause he literally filled them both. it was disgusting.
there is nothing wrong with this. if you take up two seats, you pay for two.

I fly SWA almost everywhere (mom works for them so its free) and there was this man so fat he couldn't even walk, and he was bitching because he had to pay for two seats cause he literally filled them both. it was disgusting.
That reminds me of when I was at the Astro's game last week. We went down and watched the bottom half of the 8th from the lower level on our way out. There was this HUGE guy sitting a couple rows from the back. I literally don't know how he fit in the seat. He was actually clapping using one hand and his stomach. I almost puked.
Yeah, I say more power to you UA. If you are going to take up my part of the 18.3x32, then you should pay for it. And I'll sit somewhere else. I'm sick of getting on an aircraft and having a rather large person sitting in their seat and parts of mine.

Hey I totally agree with it...but I can see some obese special interest groups or something trying to turn into UA's problem and not the fat person's....I'm just accounting for people's future stupidity :p
there is nothing wrong with this. if you take up two seats, you pay for two.

I fly SWA almost everywhere (mom works for them so its free) and there was this man so fat he couldn't even walk, and he was bitching because he had to pay for two seats cause he literally filled them both. it was disgusting.

I was on a SWA flight sitting a couple rows behind and across the aisle from a pretty big dude who couldn't get the belt to fasten. Did he get an extension? Nope. Every time the FA came by he hid the end under his shirt tail and then just let it hit the floor once she was gone. Mind you, this was on T/O, cruise, final, the whole works.

I really felt bad for the people in front of him in the event of an unexpected rapid decceleration... :laff:
Off Topic:
Have they increased airline seat widths in recent years, at least in the USA?
I was on a SWA flight sitting a couple rows behind and across the aisle from a pretty big dude who couldn't get the belt to fasten. Did he get an extension? Nope. Every time the FA came by he hid the end under his shirt tail and then just let it hit the floor once she was gone. Mind you, this was on T/O, cruise, final, the whole works.

I really felt bad for the people in front of him in the event of an unexpected rapid decceleration... :laff:

wow. way to go fatass.

I would feel bad in case of a water landing. :D

That reminds me of when I was at the Astro's game last week. We went down and watched the bottom half of the 8th from the lower level on our way out. There was this HUGE guy sitting a couple rows from the back. I literally don't know how he fit in the seat. He was actually clapping using one hand and his stomach. I almost puked.

That is disgusting. I would've introduced him to this new game called dodge the traffic on a busy highway :bandit::sarcasm:

but really, if your that obese, don't offend people more by doing stuff like that.

so back to my water landing point, what happens in that case? Do they get two cushions? That just doesn't seem fair. That wont keep them afloat :D

also, loss of cabin pressure, do they get two oxygen masks? What makes them deserve extra oxygen, it should be shared. :p
I believe seats have actually gotten smaller (at least since deregulation) in an attempt to cram more people in the plane.


even if that is true, you should still be able to fit in an airline seat. its not like they're those little kid chairs grandma whips out at Thanksgiving for that kids table with the one messed up leg that wobbles.
Hey I totally agree with it...but I can see some obese special interest groups or something trying to turn into UA's problem and not the fat person's....I'm just accounting for people's future stupidity :p


even if that is true, you should still be able to fit in an airline seat. its not like they're those little kid chairs grandma whips out at Thanksgiving for that kids table with the one messed up leg that wobbles.

Um... So nothing.. it was a response to PGT. :confused: