Two Delta Mechanics Killed, one injured

Be careful out there. It only takes a minute of letting your guard down for bad things to happen.
If you've ever seen these things in a hangar and wondered what they are here's your sign...

Scary. I watched an F18 tire blow in the hangar one time and damage a Hornet nearby so bad that I don't think I saw it my last year in the squadron.

Very sad. We lost a person at my previous R&D engineering shop to a pressure vessel accident. The amount of energy that can be stored in those things is scary.
Correct. In a previous life I worked for a repair station that overhauled wheels. Mostly business aircraft, but also did 737 wheels. Split halves, inflating required use of a cage, lock out tags when valve core removed, etc.

Yeah those can be bad. We’d have to replace split rims on some of our large trucks, often on the side of the road and without a cage. Swap the tire and tube, place the retaining ring back on. Inflate10psi, use the mallet around the ring to ensure its seated, inflate another 10 psi, check for ring seated, and another 10 times of the same interation for 120psi. Wasn’t anything you wanted to get complacent with at all.
Thanks, now I have something new to be paranoid about.


I actually do, do walkarounds but I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a potentially irrational fear of tires and being in the wheel well of the 737. But that being said, the chances of a tire failure on an airplane like this are darn near zero. I am actually more worried I am going to stick my head into the wheel well and have an invisible stream of Skydrol slice through me and kill me.

I swear I am not that weird to fly with lol!!

The rumor I am hearing from Delta is that they took the tire in and were disassembling it with it still pressurized. Without enough bolts holding the halves of the wheel together, it exploded apart. Sounds like it was a really bad scene.
Nobody needs to get killed at work.

I actually do, do walkarounds but I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a potentially irrational fear of tires and being in the wheel well of the 737. But that being said, the chances of a tire failure on an airplane like this are darn near zero. I am actually more worried I am going to stick my head into the wheel well and have an invisible stream of Skydrol slice through me and kill me.
That thing doesn't have wheel well doors, right? So you have THAT going for you which is nice, at least. :)
Tires are serious business, even on a bicycle I turn my back to the tire and wear safety glasses if I need to seat the bead. It is unfathomable to me that they would work on a tire without checking that it had been deflated.
The rumor I am hearing from Delta is that they took the tire in and were disassembling it with it still pressurized. Without enough bolts holding the halves of the wheel together, it exploded apart. Sounds like it was a really bad scene.

I just read an article that interviewed one of the guy's sons and he stated the medical examiner wouldn't let him see the body it was so bad. I guess he ended up unrecognizable and was only identified by his work badge and lanyard.

I can only imagine that must have been like a bomb going off.