TSA Founder Gets Secondary Screening

A self proclaimed expert on security deems "his" agencies' tactics stupid, therefore would that nullify his expertness on the subject?
You realize, of course, that the rules for us "little people" don't apply to the Big Shots from DC. :whatever:
You realize, of course, that the rules for us "little people" don't apply to the Big Shots from DC. :whatever:

You sure?

Ted Kennedy was on the terrorist watch list. And it took him several phone calls to people at Homeland Security to get off it.

There's fairness for you. Of course, it's ridiculous that a Senator is on the terrorist watch list to begin with, but hey, we'll take what we can get.
You sure?

Ted Kennedy was on the terrorist watch list. And it took him several phone calls to people at Homeland Security to get off it.

Glad to hear that. Several phone calls, huh ? Must've been absolutely grueling for him...poor guy.

These folks need a dose of the medicine they think is so necessary for the rest of us. They live so far from reality they need to be shown a dose of it now and then. :rawk:
Glad to hear that. Several phone calls, huh ? Must've been absolutely grueling for him...poor guy.

He's a US Senator. Why he's on the terrorist watch list is beyond me. You know there are over one million people on that list? And if it takes Kennedy a bunch of calls to get off it, what odds do you lay on someone like you or me getting off the list?

If there are truly one million terrorists, we're screwed.
If that doesn't make your blood boil, nothing will. Do those TSA clowns think they're the KGB ? What the heck has become of this country ? :mad::mad::mad:
Il. Do those TSA clowns think they're the KGB ?

I doubt they think that deeply. They expect compliance and when the guy asked an intelligent question, they resorted to intimidation.

The funny thing (if there is one) is how the TSA guys seem to excite each other more and more while the detained guy continues to keep a calm demeanor.

FWIW, the TSA agents do not have arrest powers, do they?

Here is the full tape.


OKAYYYYYYYYYY... what and why? ... you wanna play smart*ss...

All that is missing is the big Barney Fife 'sniff'.
The guy was save by...... Men in Black.

Thanks to the recorder he was carrying, he can recall the event....
