The year in miles - 2016

So a couple different fitness challenges came across my newsfeed, a 1000 mile year (I think I was close to that this year), and the year in miles (2016 miles). The 1000 mile year is a reachable goal solo, the year in miles is a different ball of wax. The fun thing with the year in miles is you can team run that distance. My wife and I are thinking about going for it as an unequal team (she's just picked running recently, I'll have to log more distance). While the total milage seems daunting, in reality your looking at less than a 20 mile per week average. That's easily doable while flying, plus it's a great way to check out cities.
My 2015 goal was 3 miles in under 21 mins. I hit it and now average around 20:30 and actually did one run at 20:00 on the dot. I'm not a long distance guy, too much wear and tear on your body that way, and way too much time required. I get bored easily :).