The "Pack it all in, we can go home" thread


Polished Member
Those pictures you find on the internet that make you feel like you'll never amount to anything with your photography ;)

My first entry:

"Middle Earth" by Scott McCook on
While that's a good bit better than the human eye can see, it's amazing how many people don't realize that the sky actually looks a lot like this every night. I think if more people were able to see it with their own eyes we'd have a lot more astronomers, astrophysicists and other scientists.

I can only imagine the awe early humans felt when they looked up and saw such things on a nightly bases. Modern people have more or less been robbed of it.
While that's a good bit better than the human eye can see, it's amazing how many people don't realize that the sky actually looks a lot like this every night. I think if more people were able to see it with their own eyes we'd have a lot more astronomers, astrophysicists and other scientists.

I can only imagine the awe early humans felt when they looked up and saw such things on a nightly bases. Modern people have more or less been robbed of it.
Out on my wife's families ranch it is amazing to go out a little ways from the house and see the glow of the Milky Way. Billions of stars all burning away in space!

Now I am going to watch another episode of Cosmos.
While that's a good bit better than the human eye can see, it's amazing how many people don't realize that the sky actually looks a lot like this every night. I think if more people were able to see it with their own eyes we'd have a lot more astronomers, astrophysicists and other scientists.

I can only imagine the awe early humans felt when they looked up and saw such things on a nightly bases. Modern people have more or less been robbed of it.

I love getting out of my car at night and being able to look up and see the stars.
Most of the stars I see usually occur right after I hit my head on a kitchen cabinet door
You can see it really strongly out here in Hawaii. It's really cool, it's also the only place I've ever seen the Southern Cross.
These are the kinds of pictures I see that make me want to study to be an astronomer...then I remember I suck horribly at math.

Don't see this much where I live on account of all the light pollution. Nice thing is you just have to drive out of town and you can see it. I was hunting back a few years ago up in the middle of nowhere (first time hunting) and I came out of the tent in the middle of the night (had to pee) and I was looking up while doing my business, and it was a clear night...I've never been so amazed. I literally stood out there in the cold for about 15 minutes, I didn't want to go back in the tent. Still kick myself for not bringing my DSLR camera with me. One of these days I'll head north in the winter when it's plenty dark and try my luck at it.