Thanks for the pics!

I've heard XJT is starting to get longer and longer sits at the outstations now. At least that seems to be the word coming out of IAH. It's common to have a big sit built into your schedule after you come in from an International destination. This gives you time to clear customs (and repo the airplane, if needed). It normally never takes that long, though.
I flew a 135 from CLE to LGA Friday afternoon at 1400, and flew the same aircraft back to CLE the next morning at 1000. The aircraft sat the entire time at LGA!
OK - amazing - thanks for backing me on it being a poor use of resources, I know airlines in Europe that'd rather fly the plane out of 1 location empty to get it onto a route where it was needed, rather than leaving it sitting there doing nothing, but I guess someone somewhere is watching for these sorta things (I hope so anyway) to make sure they aren't to outta hand. Interesting about the incoming from international, I woulda thought the maintenance crew would do a repo if needed. Oh well I guess you get to bill the taxiing time as the cabin door is closed while your taxiing - right