TEMPORARY Air Traffic Control Specialist (Staff Support Specialist - MSS-1)

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Federal Aviation Administration Cleveland, Ohio:<BR /><p>Serves as a Staff Support Specialist (MSS- 1) at a Level 8 Terminal facility. Responsible for tactical, strategic, and administrative support of multiple program areas such as training, quality control, quality assurance, traffic management, airspace and procedures, plans and programs, operational automation, military operations, special and security operations, safety management system, safety reporting and other areas of specialty identified collaboratively at the local level.</p> <strong>Duties</strong> <p> <p>The work requires a comprehensive knowledge of the ATC field and familiarization with the many integral components of the industry which comprise the National Airspace System. Specialists must have the ability to apply this knowledge to the analysis. evaluation and development of new methods, studies, approaches, and procedures. The Staff Support Specialist must be knowledgeable of Agency wide programs, facility goals and objectives. Must be able to communicate clearly and tailor their message to the target audience. While not required, hardware/software experience is desirable.</p><p>For the assigned Facility/Duty Location:<br>1. Performs daily functions of maintaining and or improving operational material and or resources within the assigned area(s) of specialty.<br>2. Communicates intra/inter facility as well as among various lines of business and industry.<br>3. Makes recommendations for new projects/studies taking into account available resources and the accomplishment of facility goals and objectives.<br>4. Applies expertise toward the completion of projects/studies and facility reports.<br>5. Analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of equipment, facilities, and procedures.<br>6. Conducts investigations. evaluations, and briefs facility personnel.<br>7. Develops methods to improve customer service and the quality of support provided.<br>8. Collaborates freely among facilities, provides feedback and consults with other Staff Support Specialists regardless of duty location.<br>9. May perform duties outside of the facility commensurate with grade and experience.</p> </p>

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