I use the Telex Airman ANR 500, I wouldnt trade it for the world. The 9 votl battery last 50hrs. of operation. Hearing conservation is important and any help I can get I appreciate, it also keeps ATC communications extremely clear. I don't know about other airplanes but the cessnas I've flown have alot of wind noise at speed, on a long trip this can be very fatiqueing. I would highly recommend spending the money for an ANR light weight headset. If you check Ebay, motors under parts and accessories-aviation and limit your search to Telex you will find a ANR 500 with a bid price of 202, bid closes today though. The ear piece mentioned is from EARMOLD Design, Inc out of Minneapolis, MN. My boss wears this product in the 650 and he constanly is asking "what did they say"
A good pair of sunglasses and a good headset goes a long way in makeing your every flight more comfortable which makes it more safe.