Switching CFI\'s..upd...
Just had to post about the good flight that I just had during my lunch break. Last week I posted about thoughts of switching CFI's and wanted to follow up. I flew again today after a week (damn snow/cold) and was unsure how it would go. I practiced several approaches on MS-Flight Sim and felt I was ready. The plan was a VOR approach and then back to my home field for the ILS/(12)DME arc. This was probably the best flight that I have had. One the VOR we got to the MAP, I flipped up the Jeppshades and there it was just off of my right wing. Perfect. We went missed and headed back home for the arc. I had my appr. brief done w/plenty of time and kept the arc within 11.9-12.1. It was great. I turned inbound and picked up the GS/Localizer. and rode it done to DH. It is amazing what a little practice/prep will do. Staying ahead of the plane does wonders. Today was a good day.
Now back to Work.
Just had to post about the good flight that I just had during my lunch break. Last week I posted about thoughts of switching CFI's and wanted to follow up. I flew again today after a week (damn snow/cold) and was unsure how it would go. I practiced several approaches on MS-Flight Sim and felt I was ready. The plan was a VOR approach and then back to my home field for the ILS/(12)DME arc. This was probably the best flight that I have had. One the VOR we got to the MAP, I flipped up the Jeppshades and there it was just off of my right wing. Perfect. We went missed and headed back home for the arc. I had my appr. brief done w/plenty of time and kept the arc within 11.9-12.1. It was great. I turned inbound and picked up the GS/Localizer. and rode it done to DH. It is amazing what a little practice/prep will do. Staying ahead of the plane does wonders. Today was a good day.

Now back to Work.