Sunrise at KTRK


Spanish Proficient
I was doing this run quite a bit early in the year and would get up each morning trying for a good sunrise with the plane and the mountains. Yesterday I was rewarded with the right combination of clouds and sunlight.

Thanks guys,
It was an awesome weekend. I had done this run about 3 time over the summer and kept trying for the same image of the 3rd shot each day. Getting up for sunrise every morning I was there. Just started a new job and am allowed to fly on the side and my old client called me to fly, so this flight was for some extra money in the bank.

Saturday morning was awesome with tons of snow on the plane. Then Sunday was my birthday still woke up for the sunrise and went out to catch these images. I like 1 and 3 but #4 was special to me also. I got the t-shirt for free the manufacturer provides free T-shirts to KA pilots if you promise to get him a photo. So I worked to get a good shot of the t-shirt by balancing the camera on the car and posed for this pic. Except for my spinner selfies I am seldom in the photo and I like this image.

Here are some more shots Saturday morning.
Same thing, just an older B350. Can't break out of a T-prop, but can't complain with the new job either, flying to Baja tomorrow.