Study Materials Prior to Class


Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I start dispatch school in January, and was wondering if you have any study material recommendations prior to class.

I already completed the ADX written exam with Shepard air, so that is out of the way.

Memorize all the dialogue from the movie "Airplane!"

On a more serious note, learning how to read weather (METARs and TAFs) would probably give you a good leg up for the first part of class. And, good job on getting the written out of the way.
Memorize all the dialogue from the movie "Airplane!"

On a more serious note, learning how to read weather (METARs and TAFs) would probably give you a good leg up for the first part of class. And, good job on getting the written out of the way.
I second this. Going through class now and learning METARs and TAFs beforehand makes everything so much easier. Try to learn a lot of the common abbreviations also if you don't know them, like MINTO, MTOW, MZFW, MLW, ALS, LOC, GS etc. - this has seemed to trip up a few of my classmates.