Well-Known Member
Here is something I was thinking about tonight...maybe you guys could provide more insight
Would it be better to apply for any and all regional airline jobs once you have the time for them (IE the B1900 airlines that pay extremely low, and the pay scale only creeps up as the years go by and most likely wouldnt have much long term potential for you) or would it be better to flight instruct/charter/beg/borrow/steal/etc for more time and wait for the higher paying regional jobs? (IE the RJ jobs that pay low at the start but the pay scale jumps up significantly after a year or two and an airline that has more long term potential.) I know a lot of that decision can vary on some things but what do you guys think personally?
Would it be better to apply for any and all regional airline jobs once you have the time for them (IE the B1900 airlines that pay extremely low, and the pay scale only creeps up as the years go by and most likely wouldnt have much long term potential for you) or would it be better to flight instruct/charter/beg/borrow/steal/etc for more time and wait for the higher paying regional jobs? (IE the RJ jobs that pay low at the start but the pay scale jumps up significantly after a year or two and an airline that has more long term potential.) I know a lot of that decision can vary on some things but what do you guys think personally?