Start low pay? or work more for high(er)?


Well-Known Member
Here is something I was thinking about tonight...maybe you guys could provide more insight

Would it be better to apply for any and all regional airline jobs once you have the time for them (IE the B1900 airlines that pay extremely low, and the pay scale only creeps up as the years go by and most likely wouldnt have much long term potential for you) or would it be better to flight instruct/charter/beg/borrow/steal/etc for more time and wait for the higher paying regional jobs? (IE the RJ jobs that pay low at the start but the pay scale jumps up significantly after a year or two and an airline that has more long term potential.) I know a lot of that decision can vary on some things but what do you guys think personally?
Apply for the jobs! There is no guarantee you will get anything later on, so take what you can get if you get an offer. Once hired and getting some 121 turbine, then apply to all the other regionals if you want to jump ship. I know of 6 people who have done it in the past few months and their 121 experience is what got them their interviews.
I'll agree with the previous poster. Get that 121 time ASAP. Just don't pay for it. A good company will pay you during training and buy the hotel for you. 121 time is golden these days. The more you get the sooner you will get to a better paying airline job. Just don't expect too much too soon.

Another option is to fly 135 freight. You can build a lot of quality of time and then apply to airlines. The decision is yours. BUT FOR GODSAKE DON"T PAY TO SIT IN THAT RIGHT SEAT !!!!
A good company will pay you during training

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So I guess SkyWest isn't a good company?

J/K, I know what you mean and agree.
my guess is no...but you'd have to meet the 135 IFR Reqs which arent pretty

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Really, they aren't so bad. . .