Soloed First time today!


Well-Known Member
Guys I just got done with my first ever solo today! It was done in the Piper Tomahawk N253PA
I was on cloud nine..... did 2 touch and goes and then a full stop landing at my airport (KPNS). I still am smiling. Did this all at 9.2 hrs so i'm really happy. I cant wait to start making XC's. Thanks for all the help on this board
I was on cloud nine

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I hope you were 1000 feet above cloud nine.

Well done, it is quite an accomplishment.
Way to go man!
Did you remember to wear an old shirt?

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HAHA....I did actually.....wore one of my USAF shirts

thanks for the comments guys!
Congrats--welcome to the club! Trust me, it's an experience you'll never forget!

Now go back to your instructor and have him/her teach you all the things he/she skipped or glossed over; at 9.2 hours (average for when I soloed 17 years ago, quite premature by today's standards), it's a virtual certainty that you haven't mastered emergency procedures yet. This isn't an admonition of your flying skills, but when you go up solo, you should really be prepared for any emergency you might face--your life may depend upon it sooner than you think.
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I hope you were 1000 feet above cloud nine.

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I didnt get it at first (and I've got my CFII ride on Friday)

Congrats to the soloist though, did my private in a tomahawk as well..."interesting" airplane.
Way to go man!
Did you remember to wear an old shirt?

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I actually forgot my shirt, I was so excited
I got to the airport and my granddad asked if I had brought an old shirt, and I was like ahhhh... ahhhh. NO! He's like here, take this one... an old button up shirt, i could hardly get it on.... so i threw it in the back of the plane with me, and threw it on after i parked
You can't wear an old shirt!! You could be ruining your professional networking image and possibly your entire career with a move like that!


Congrats man, savor the moment. What an awesome rush, huh? Take it all in, because you will never forget it.
Congrats my mannnn!!!!!!!!!!!
(I'm giving you, and all others, the benefit of the doubt)Great to hear about a new, competent student on the way to his wings!!!!!!!!!!!!!