So what do I tell this guy ?


New Member
Ok first week of school here at UND and an incoming freshmen had an ineresting problem. He's worried about a speeding ticket he says he got just a few days after his 18th birthday, but what threw me was the kid is an eagle scout, wants to get involved, gets good grades and seems like a good kid ? So what should I tell him to expect? Keep in mind i dont wanna scare him thanks for the opinions guys
I had a speeding ticket when I was 16, another when I was 18 (almost 19), and an equipment violation for a burned out headlight at 20. I still got the job. Just be honest and up front about it. It can only hurt you if they see a trend for dangerous behavior, or if you won't take responsibility for your actions.
I really don't think one speeding ticket is going to be a career ender...

Or two for that matter.. Though it depends on how many over- If he was doing 120 in a 65, there may be some issues
Shoot, how far back do they keep records? If I'm pushing 40 does it really matter if I got a speeding ticket when I was 25?? Now keep in mind that I'm talking about a 10-15 over posted speeding ticket. Not a 120 bat out of H#LL manuver.
I would think that after they fall off your driving record, and insurance they don't count. (and I actually can't keep track)
I'm 17 and I got a ticket for "passing a red light" last week. I hope this won't hurt me in 5 years when I'm looking for a job.
Ok first week of school here at UND and an incoming freshmen had an ineresting problem. He's worried about a speeding ticket he says he got just a few days after his 18th birthday, but what threw me was the kid is an eagle scout, wants to get involved, gets good grades and seems like a good kid ? So what should I tell him to expect? Keep in mind i dont wanna scare him thanks for the opinions guys

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What part of town did he get picked up at? You wouldn't believe how many aerospace students get picked up driving to the GFK Aiport. The Highway Patrol purposely pick out cars with student parking passes hanging from the inside rearview mirror and pulling them over for ridiculus reasons.

Personally, I think the HP are jealous that they will be maxed out at 30,000 grand a year in ND so they like to stick it to the people that have a chance to crack the 40,000 barrier!!

How is your first week of schoo? You flying this semester? I hope things are going well and some advice, don't drink during the week. Save that sillyness for the weekends and your grades with thank you.
I got tons of tickets while I was in college, but by the time that I was in a position to apply for an airline, they were already off my record.

But in retrospect, slow down because driving 65 mph on the freeway isn't a whole lot slower than the cheeseball in the Dodge Neon with the big tailpipe that thinks he's cool driving 95 mph.

Generally, you'll see him on the offramp at the stoplight, only with a lot more gas and more brake pads left than 'stud'.
Tell him to move to Florida. The cheaper MVR only goes back three years. If the airline is really picky they can pay extra and get a 7 year report, but only NW does it that I know of.
Generally, you'll see him on the offramp at the stoplight, only with a lot more gas and more brake pads left than 'stud'.

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Yeah, but Doug, he'll have way more "rear spoiler" left than you ... that has to make him cooler!

It is kind of odd. My car gets better milage at 70 MPH than at 60-65. I get an extra 30 miles per tank of gas. I love crappy cars.
But in retrospect, slow down because driving 65 mph on the freeway isn't a whole lot slower than the cheeseball in the Dodge Neon with the big tailpipe that thinks he's cool driving 95 mph.

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Oh, man, those guys crack me up. Like that fart pipe makes your car a sports car or something?
No no no. My absolute favorite is the rust bucket escort with the black tint shiznit over the lights, $7,000 rims and a bungee cord holding the whole thing together.
Yup. And these are always the morons who come up to me at stoplights and gun their engines.

BEATERz - Chronicling Questional Automotive Style

One of the best ones I saw on the road was some old rinky dink Ford Festiva with two custom rims and two factory steel wheels... was buying them on the installment plan apparently. Had the big coffee can exhaust pipe, naturally. And the playaz drivin' em with the wife beater and upside down/crooked visor... Now that's class.
,scare him, Tell him to slow the hell down! We lose more kids this age to poor driving habits; speeding, drinking, road rage, tired. Would you rather be late or be dead?
Well, another problem would be racking up like a dozen in a year. Shows a trend of recklessness...
Oh, man, I'm going to waste way too much time on that site now. Combine that with the site so you can see the guys driving those cars.
That is why i came up with the Wal Mart game called "MulletSpotting". Points are awarded to the mulletologist who spots the longest, worst, tallest mullet. The winner is he one with the most points. Bonus points are awarded if the targeted mullet speaks about family members and jail.