Skywest SGU location


New Member
Anyone familiar with the area or has lived there? I would be considering seeking a dispatch position with them but I’m really worried SGU wouldn’t be for me. I dislike desert climates and heat in general. I’m not a huge outdoor activity enthusiast besides maybe hiking very casually or visiting a lake. My girlfriend wouldn’t go with me at first so I would be going alone if I were offered a position. Just seems like there isn’t much there besides outdoor desert activities and golfing. Anyone have any pros and cons for me? Thanks in advance.
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I dislike desert climates and heat in general. I’m not a huge outdoor activity enthusiast besides maybe hiking very casually or visiting a lake.

Honestly, it sounds like you'd hate SGU then. Perhaps you can find an indoor hobby to enjoy while you're A/C eats up 3/4 of your pay check in the summer.
Interested in this too. I looked briefly at St George and didn’t like the housing accommodations I saw.

I cancelled my interview with them when I got another offer, but my plan was to commute in from Vegas and get a crash pad, it’s about a 2 hour drive.

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It's gotten a lot better since I was there. The cost of housing has skyrocketed I guess.
That's a tough one...
It would depend on what your long term goal is as a dispatcher and if you really want a job or not....the market seems to be hit and miss lately and it you watch the threads on here, there seems to be people still looking for that first job.

You can always look into Cedar City, its about 30-40 min drive - It is also about 10-15 degrees cooler than St George. I know you said you don't like the outdoors but the town is in the mountains. The cost of living is a little bit less...the town has grown the last 10 years.

SkyWest is one of the better airlines to work for, so I would say if you are given a offer, take it.
but my plan was to commute in from Vegas and get a crash pad, it’s about a 2 hour drive

Yeah, I would not do that right now, I-15 across the gorge is a crap show.....

Yeah, I would not do that right now, I-15 across the gorge is a crap show.....

Another reason I’m glad I didn’t end up there.

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I think you need to better understand your long term goals first. If you dislike “heat in general”, are you saying you would never work for AAL, SWA, UAL, or DAL? Those cities can have miserable summers. Sounds like you’re limiting your career to Horizon for initial experience then a shot someday at Alaska. SkyWest has a good reputation in dispatch circles including a fine training program to get you started, why dismiss that simply because its warm for 3 months? Next comment applies to both ladies and gents; if you’re not married, never limit your career opportunities simply for a relationship. So put in 2 years with 6 warm months at SkyWest, then she will really dig her nails into you when you land that high paying job at a major.
I think you need to better understand your long term goals first. If you dislike “heat in general”, are you saying you would never work for AAL, SWA, UAL, or DAL? Those cities can have miserable summers.

I would much rather spend summer in ORD than in the DFW area. Sure, it can get warm in IL, but not for months at a time like in TX. Now, winters are another story...

I personally think the best overall climate for any of the majors (passenger or cargo) might be found in SDF, but everyone has their own preference on things. As far as SGU goes, I have been through there and I know they have very warm summers - and I have heard the cost of living has gone up a fair bit in recent years - but it would still be excellent experience. They have a very good track record of people moving on to majors from there.

However, if you really hate the heat/smaller town living thing, you could wait and see who else is hiring- Republic might be a good choice in IND...or Horizion in SEA, as previously mentioned here. Mesa in PHX, probably not so much, as they have summers that would make SGU seem downright moderate.
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